Christmas wishlist

Not your typical “Christmas” post. But if you had a wishlist of things you’d want or want to see what would it look like?
This is purely for fun not what we want Kabam to give us.
Again this is nothing other than a fun post. No need to be like “that would break the game/that won’t happen/Kabam wouldn’t do that” and keep the flaming to a minimum. Unless you want s flaming troll icon as a wishlist item then flame and troll away.
Here is mine
Champs added as playable characters
Jessica Jones
Professor X
Dark Phoenix
Champion resets
I’d love for a mass style RDT to happen. All top rarity champs reset back to 1/10 or 1/25 all cats, gold, iso returned. Then we go back in and not make those rank mistakes, ranking before we got better champs. That way we could rank the 5*’s we want but can’t because we used those resources earlier. Yeah SA might be out of the world crazy but it would be fun.
Quality of life changes
Mastery sets. Give us 2 or 3 mastery tree setups. Ones we can change on the fly without having to spend time redoing all our points. It’s tedious and time consuming. Yes still charge the respect costs but this would make it soooo much easier.
Do away with the arena help. Not only is it annoying to have to request help but it’s so laggy to send it.
Tag selection. We can sort via rarity and power level let us search via X-Men/GotG/Villains/Hereos/xl/small in game.
Use/sell items in overflow
Skip dialogue option
Fun things
Give us a 1 time use reset an act gem.
Let us lend an alliance member a champion or champions to use in an alliance event where the rewards are minimal but to just have fun with champs we don’t have. Limit it to a closed off event so we can’t use them in aw/aq or end game things.
Glitch day. Bring back some of the more fun glitches we have experienced and even some we hated.
What would some of you have on a wishlist?
This is purely for fun not what we want Kabam to give us.
Again this is nothing other than a fun post. No need to be like “that would break the game/that won’t happen/Kabam wouldn’t do that” and keep the flaming to a minimum. Unless you want s flaming troll icon as a wishlist item then flame and troll away.
Here is mine
Champs added as playable characters
Jessica Jones
Professor X
Dark Phoenix
Champion resets
I’d love for a mass style RDT to happen. All top rarity champs reset back to 1/10 or 1/25 all cats, gold, iso returned. Then we go back in and not make those rank mistakes, ranking before we got better champs. That way we could rank the 5*’s we want but can’t because we used those resources earlier. Yeah SA might be out of the world crazy but it would be fun.
Quality of life changes
Mastery sets. Give us 2 or 3 mastery tree setups. Ones we can change on the fly without having to spend time redoing all our points. It’s tedious and time consuming. Yes still charge the respect costs but this would make it soooo much easier.
Do away with the arena help. Not only is it annoying to have to request help but it’s so laggy to send it.
Tag selection. We can sort via rarity and power level let us search via X-Men/GotG/Villains/Hereos/xl/small in game.
Use/sell items in overflow
Skip dialogue option
Fun things
Give us a 1 time use reset an act gem.
Let us lend an alliance member a champion or champions to use in an alliance event where the rewards are minimal but to just have fun with champs we don’t have. Limit it to a closed off event so we can’t use them in aw/aq or end game things.
Glitch day. Bring back some of the more fun glitches we have experienced and even some we hated.
What would some of you have on a wishlist?