11.6+Mil Alliance looking for a few to join

11.6+Mil Alliance looking for a few new members for next AQ. Weekly T4CC. We are currently in T1 War (current war rating is 2344). We run Map 6 once during AQ to place top 300 (run map 5x6x5x5x5). We were placed 199 last AQ. We are looking for players close to 5000 prestige at the moment to keep competitive.
We are very relaxed and do not have strict minimums on 3-day event quest but please do your part and help out. Weekly donations are 180K Gold, 40K BC, 16K loyalty. Message me your in game name if you are interested for next AQ. We use Line for communication and coordination. I will be searching this week for good candidates.
We are very relaxed and do not have strict minimums on 3-day event quest but please do your part and help out. Weekly donations are 180K Gold, 40K BC, 16K loyalty. Message me your in game name if you are interested for next AQ. We use Line for communication and coordination. I will be searching this week for good candidates.
Not Tentesu
And my ign is tentesu
Interested in joining