Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

2015/16 Rank Up Gems - Can't use them on Immortal Iron Fist or Ultron Classic?


First post on here, bit of a rant 🙈 got both these champs and have Mystic and Tech 2015 and 2016 gems, but can't use on Immortal Iron Fist or Ultron Classic for some odd reason. Sent a ticket, they claim and I quote "The gems are intended to be used on champions who had a full-fledged crystal/arena release". But if so, why can they be used on OG Vision (purchase only though units/cash) Kang (gifting crystals) or Unstoppable Colossus (purchase with loyalty)?

Questioned them on this and they didn't even reply! Plus one of them told me on a previous reply that as IIF was released in 2015, I couldn't use a 2015/16 gem on him anyway?! Its like trying to get blood out of a stone talking to customer services!

Rant over, but I'd someone from Kabam could advise on this and maybe even adjust these crystals that would be great. It's not as if these champs are game changing, but don't see any reason why they shouldn't be included if Vision, Kang and UC are.


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    Lvernon15Lvernon15 Posts: 11,596 ★★★★★
    They want to force you to use your surplus of tech gems on Howard the duck if you get unlucky
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    ECOMAECOMA Posts: 328 ★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    They want to force you to use your surplus of tech gems on Howard the duck if you get unlucky

    Still have another one too hulkbuster is soon

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    TØMߊÝTØMßŠÝ Posts: 10
    I've got one Mystic left, already used 3 on Voodoo, Guilly and Magik, already got GR r4 too. Got 3 tech ones, used one on Iron Patriot and thought he was getting buffed so that was a waste. The tech ones are almost useless. Still haven't pulled SL either! At least let us use them on trophy champs!
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    TØMߊÝTØMßŠÝ Posts: 10
    It's just typical of their attitude towards most things. Half the issue is when you send a ticket, the people you speak to don't even understand what you ask and I'm 99% certain they've never played the game either. For a company that make so much money, their customer service is by far the worst I've seen from any company!
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