Prestige 10.4k minimum
War expierence: tier 2/3
AQ expierence: map 7 is a pre, map 6 minimum, 1BG is going to do map 7 for a couple of days to ensure Top90.
We rank around 100 in AQ with MAP 6 ONLY. Our aim is top 90 and have always been able to do so with map 6 only. Prestige game is changing a bit since AQ rewards and glory store has been updated. Starting 2020 1 group is going to do map 7 so we keep top 90 rank.
Our current position in AW is 17th in P2. Looking for war oriented members with decent sized rosters (10-15 r5s) and decent presitge.
If interested pm me on Line , ID: grolsch420
Prestige 10.4k minimum
War expierence: tier 2/3
AQ expierence: map 7 is a pre, map 6 minimum, 1BG is going to do map 7 for a couple of days to ensure Top90.
We rank around 100 in AQ with MAP 6 ONLY. Our aim is top 90 and have always been able to do so with map 6 only. Prestige game is changing a bit since AQ rewards and glory store has been updated. Starting 2020 1 group is going to do map 7 so we keep top 90 rank.
Our current position in AW is 17th in P2. Looking for war oriented members with decent sized rosters (10-15 r5s) and decent presitge.
If interested pm me on Line , ID: grolsch420