Looking for a few Strong Officers who are interested in helping build a strong alliance.

Officers needed. I'm looking to build a strong alliance that can compete well on map 5 & 6. The Summoners must enjoy the game and possess a positive attitude towards others. I'm setting up chat rooms on LINE app for improved communications. I'm very Loyal to the core group. Officers must lead by example and help other succeed in their efforts. I really enjoy this game and I'm hoping to find others to work with me that feel the same way. Please friend request me in the game.


  • KKowboyzKKowboyz Member Posts: 61
    You can also reach me on the LINE app. My tag is KKowboyz.
  • Monarch1Monarch1 Member Posts: 2
    I'm looking for active players who want to help us win wars and grow stronger with us
  • KKowboyzKKowboyz Member Posts: 61
    I started up an alliance just to get the ball rolling. I built it up to 3M. We have around 600 points in AW. There is a long way to go to get to map 5/6. It requires a solid team effort with a good group of players to move alliances in the correct direction. I'm ranked 326K and have plenty of game experience. I'm looking for others with similar experience that want to work together and grow stronger.
  • KKowboyzKKowboyz Member Posts: 61
    We still need some strong officers to help the alliance move forward.
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