Replace grandmaster calendar with cavalier calendar

Replace grandmaster calendar with cavalier calendar 44 votes

Yes, they are worthless
GamerTendersquadCharbelCirnesSiriusBreakDeadmaddyFeeney234Maverick75Azzzm0Uncle_Fatty_247CropDusterCsuttonFatalEndQmonDuke_SilverMaster3418RaikisTaZ_4178DrBruceWayneNeotwismDrPepper_75 37 votes
No, they are still valuable
GAM3RGUYTerraRCunhaCASrinivasGinjabredMonstaPlinkoAgentk 7 votes


  • ECOMAECOMA Member Posts: 328 ★★
    Option 3 cav crystals dont land me anything but 3 stars either so no difference
  • Saiyanprince11Saiyanprince11 Member Posts: 12
    ECOMA said:

    Option 3 cav crystals dont land me anything but 3 stars either so no difference

    Spot on. I have opened lots of Cavalier and gotten atleast 4 stars. Not even a single 4* yet from those grandmaster crystals though
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    Yes, they are worthless
    Even if a Cavalier equivalent to grand master crystal would bring mostly 3*, it is adequate to the player title and theorically better chances of 5*
  • Webby72Webby72 Member Posts: 259 ★★
    No, but not because grandmaster crystals are valuable. Because cavalier crystals are too valuable.

    The chance to get a 6* just for logging in should imo be restricted to gifting crystals, if even that.
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