Why not famous?? (feel free to comment)

I have 5* Darkhawk and he is great but I didn't see famous about him (so far). His sp3 is really good.
E.g : I lost 5% (so 95%)in a heavy attack in the start and I used sp2 so I can get into Stealth mode. After, I lost 5% in a heavy attack again an d then he turn in to shield mode then he regenerate 10% (SO 100% again ). Don't get it, get some extra lessons with your maths skill......... whats your opinion???

E.g : I lost 5% (so 95%)in a heavy attack in the start and I used sp2 so I can get into Stealth mode. After, I lost 5% in a heavy attack again an d then he turn in to shield mode then he regenerate 10% (SO 100% again ). Don't get it, get some extra lessons with your maths skill......... whats your opinion???

There are better options for your tech sig stones than Darkhawk - Ghost, SL, Sparky for example, and I would say that outside of people who buy up a lot of cavs/sig stone bundles probably don’t have 200 sig stones floating about for him. Those that do have the stones for him will most likely have the best options in the class and prioritise Ghost etc. Over him.
For me he’s been one of those champs that I really want to have at max sig but don’t and won’t have the sigs to max him and therefore can’t justify taking him to R5 at 50% of his potential.
I just get from youtube
But I got a 5* DH too
His regeneration is underrated, as is the small-print ability to ignore armour with Wing Attacks. If I'm low on health with DH and fighting an opponent with a multi-hit SP1 like War Machine, I'll sometime's drop block to take the last hit, so I can regenerate more back.
He really does benefit from the synergy with Night Thrasher/Moon Knight though. Starting the fight in Null mode is just so much fun! Alternatively, the Power Control in Stealth mode means I can often get to SP3 (and a bit of regen) before the opponent hits an SP1.
so all in all no reliability and bad symergy dependancy which hurts for endgame content and is the reason why Darkhak is not so popullar for rankup ! i pulled him from featured grandmaster crystal last year ,he was my 1st and last featured champ i ever pulled , 6 months later i got night thrasher from basics as well and awakened and i liked him so much i took him to R5 and about sig 161 but darkhawk stayed at rank 4 even though i had tried to put in about 95 sigs on him which i feel is wasted now!! i got ghost and for double
immunity champs now G2099 & Warlock are immensely better right off the bat and you dont have to invest so much in those
I have mine at 5/65 and used him for bits here and there (helped with 6.2 mr sinister boss) and now just gets me through AQ fairly easily