Just another 5* r5 poll-thread

KtashakKtashak Member Posts: 225
Which one of these 5stars to rank 5?
I will go soon for the Cavalier title (uncollected at the moment)

Just another 5* r5 poll-thread 32 votes

Blade sig 200
MagicBentonbuffajrNifzJadedJim0172BboychoboSpiderCoolsLordRaymond3AngusMac279PrezRio4CtuchikEl_ojoEinfachSoddomEwell65SSS69BlackMagic2911 16 votes
Black Widow (CV) not awakened
KihlgastLvernon15Saransh245shadow_lurker22TJ107X_Factor_AgentKalantakOctoberstackLucianoDelHoyaCowabunga 10 votes
RULK (not awakened) - have r5 Domino for synergy
Iceman - not awakened
Hedron 1 vote
Medusa sig 120
H3t3rGenylCaptainPollPlinkoSoar2878 5 votes
Luke Cage - not awakened
6* Heimdal to r2 (not awakened)
r4+r5 sig 200 Gwenpool


  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Blade, Medusa, BWCV (she's good unawakened).

    Luke and Iceman -- not unless they are awakened.

    Rulk does not need to be awakened. I run him as an unawakened 6 star with Domino, and I use him a lot. Great for poison/incinerate champs and nodes, has some regen.
  • HedronHedron Member Posts: 359
    Iceman - not awakened
    For crossbones
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Black Widow (CV) not awakened
    Hedron said:

    For crossbones

    He works at r4 for that
  • KtashakKtashak Member Posts: 225
    So far Blade VS Black Widow: 11:7

    why? why is Blade so good ?
    He has regen? BW has stronger regen after sp2 in bleed curse phase.

    danger sense? - he needs +2 champs in the team, BW has comparable/better damage without synergy + incinerate curse phase gives her tons of extra damage after her sp2.

    blade shrugs off debuffs faster? BW is immune for what you need at the moment

    Blade has no nullify,cannot stop unstoppable, BW can do easily

    Blade sucks against bleed immune champs, BW kills them faster than bleeding ones.

    Blade has NO power drain, BW has in poison curse phase.

    Am i forgot something? maybe.. correct me if i am wrong

  • KihlgastKihlgast Member Posts: 111
    Black Widow (CV) not awakened
    Just took my claire voyant to r5, and she is amazing. You wont regret it
  • KtashakKtashak Member Posts: 225
    Kihlgast said:

    Just took my claire voyant to r5, and she is amazing. You wont regret it

    Yes i know, she killed all master / UC EQ bosses , almost every time at one-shot :)
    I had bigger dilemma between Iceman VS Medusa VS BWCV and now almost everyone votes for Blade. He is a MCOC "grandpa" and has far worse utility than the others i mentioned. I am surprised by the results, but was curious. Now i don't know if the voters are joking, or they are serious or they has no experience/clue what they are voting :D
  • PrezRio4PrezRio4 Member Posts: 84
    Blade sig 200
    Quite of the tiers in the road to Cavalier are Villains and some bosses are Robots so Blade and Medusa are your way to go. However I defeated all robots with an R4 Medusa so you may not need to promote her.

    Be prepared for the 6.1.5 Crossbones... if you have Omega Red is easy... either Iceman could be your best option but the fight is a bit long and based on patience.
  • KtashakKtashak Member Posts: 225
    PrezRio4 said:

    Quite of the tiers in the road to Cavalier are Villains and some bosses are Robots so Blade and Medusa are your way to go. However I defeated all robots with an R4 Medusa so you may not need to promote her.

    Be prepared for the 6.1.5 Crossbones... if you have Omega Red is easy... either Iceman could be your best option but the fight is a bit long and based on patience.

    thanks for your reply.. ...based on patience / units :) ...
    I have OR but using him only for arenas until he is unduped, stays at r3. Also i am not using suicides and BW / Iceman clears UC/Epic maps easily, when i need to use Blade, than i have problem to hold block long enough for healing, howerver i am not a noob :D

    However i am preparing for Cavalier (have GULK ready for 6.1.1) , i need my next r5 champ also for event/alliance quests
  • GenylGenyl Member Posts: 59
    Medusa sig 120
    not really good options but medusa is ok.

    unless you use sparky r5 dont fall to the blade trap, he is outdated
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