Squirrel Acornucopia challenge time sooo short

title says it all 30min is no challenge time it should have been 24hours or 1time run i have maxed out 5* and 1 connection drop made me miss the boss fight how about those who are trying the epic with lesser champs why making in soo narrow
I'm guessing the short timer is actually to make it unprofitable to just revive over and over again to try to finish the entire thing. You don't have to finish the entire thing, and it is actually of no real benefit to spend a lot to try to finish the entire thing. You should be doing only what you can do reasonably. Unfortunately that does mean if you cut it close and get something like a drop connection you might miss the rest of the map, but in the long run it won't hurt you, because the Epic maps give way more acorns than you'll ever need.
In fact, someone that 100% completes Epic every day for 28 days is going to get 1.2 million acorns. That's already more than you can spend, because one million acorns completely buys out the acorn store to the max purchase limits. And that's before you count the acorns you're going to get from other sources.
100% completion is really only for players who not only can fully counter all the champs and nodes, but can also rip through it quickly. But that's not necessary to reach full rewards for the entire acorn event.