Who should I r5/65 next

EazyDC69EazyDC69 Member Posts: 34
Been trying to figure it out so I want some opinions ASAP

Who should I r5/65 next 78 votes

SantaGulkHedronjonzerBonzodavidChewie420UncleHateluanamenderNaveenKUMARAYES 8 votes
Bigbadromo10or_StrongRakeYoungTJ107pigupompomX_Factor_AgentEtjamaTiger360HyzerBombSheDroveMeHereNightbat216Fireflyspoodermann1 13 votes
Mr. Fantastic
LucianoDelHoya 1 vote
Alyzan 1 vote
Doc Oc
Bruinsfan8510theMercenary 2 votes
Thi101RemeliLucasjones_98 3 votes
Cull Obsidian
adqqedfyvrTrap_JesusBerserker22 3 votes
Emma Frost(unduped)
Human Torch (unduped)
Beyond00_Das_giBrush 3 votes
Mcord11758MagicBentonRaganatorZENmmmbanyasNifzallinashesOesername123WhiteManShaggyMLvernon15CropDusterThecurlerHairyslugMhd20034NojokejaymOsfan8HendrossHammerbro_64Cupid 44 votes


  • AstoundsAstounds Member Posts: 323 ★★
    I would say its between Blade and Hyp. Depends what content you're trying to do, the sig level of Blade, if you have the other pieces like GR or Sparky. Thing would be another possibilities if you have his heimdall angela synergy pieces or are trying to do V2. But hyp seems like the better overall fit.
  • EazyDC69EazyDC69 Member Posts: 34
    All my varients are don’t and I have full F4 synergy so no need for his heimdall one
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,125 ★★★★★
    Hype is arguably the best cosmic for late act 6, if not 2nd best behind cmm
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    With the full F4 synergy, Thing enters real beast mode. Personally he is one of my favorites to play, which is why I have my 5* at 5/65 sig 200 and my 6* at R2 unawakened.
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    Astounds said:

    I would say its between Blade and Hyp. Depends what content you're trying to do, the sig level of Blade, if you have the other pieces like GR or Sparky. Thing would be another possibilities if you have his heimdall angela synergy pieces or are trying to do V2. But hyp seems like the better overall fit.

    I never find Blade...the greatest champ in the game. I have maxed out 4*, i was playing a lot with that trinity synergy but nowadays there are much better champs around..

    Never had Hyp tho so can say nothing.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    hyperion for me. As an owner of a R5 thing I would trade him in for an r5 hyperion any day. and I am not saying Thing is bad
  • HyzerBombHyzerBomb Member Posts: 80
    Thing is amazing and super fun to play. Takes very little damage and can do a lot of good work in act 6. If you've got F4 synergy you can play risky with champion synergy. Kill yourself, build up like 8 furies and everybody will die if you crit an S2. Mine has hit for over 120k getting a crit on his bumdrop
  • Legendary_PoeyLegendary_Poey Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2020
    EazyDC69 said:

    Been trying to figure it out so I want some opinions ASAP

    What r5 do you have already?
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Hyperion all day everyday
  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    Venom is, from this list, the one with most utility by far.
    He can cover a lot of problems.

    You need bleeds? He got it.
    Need a nullifier? He got it
    Need a little regen? He has it
    Need an armor break? He has it
    Need something to kill annoying evaders? He has it
    Need a Havok counter for some reason? He can do it.
    Need someone to resist Power Drain/Burn? He can do it (against Techs)
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    I'd say Hyperion, or maybe Magik, of you need power control. They both are also not available as 6* atm
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited January 2020
    Here is a quick write up on Hype that I did. Hope this helps you with ur decision. This was for an awakening gem post in case context is slightly confusing.

    Before you throw too many sig stones at him, unless you care about prestige and he is one of your top 5, HE DOESNT NEED MORE THAN 20 SIG LEVELS. His buff duration increase ranges from +65% at sig1 to +75% at sig 200. Sig 20 is +70%. It scales disgustingly bad, but that is also a good thing because you don’t need to put as many resources into him to maximize his output.

    A great synergy team I have found for him is Hype, CAIW, OG Thor (or whoever from CAIW’s cosmic synergy), Quake, and Hawkeye. That will give you +25% buff duration and +15% ability accuracy (more furies, incinerates, and more frequent stuns)

    My main rotation for him is parry heavy parry heavy combo L2; then there are two paths:
    1. The L2 stuns- heavy, then wait until the stun is about to expire (to get more power gain), combo, and you should be back at L2
    2. The L2 doesn’t stun- play how you see fit, try to get one more heavy in then shoot off another L2

    Some interesting utility I have used many times is the fact he doesn’t ever have to hit with a basic attack. Ever. Just play dodgy like you would SESM and intercept their dash with your L1. This also only has 1 contact hit, so this bypasses Electro and other similar mechanics.

    Don’t be shy with his regen either; I’ve gone from like 18% back to full in 2-3 fights by just slowing down the play on an easy fight and playing dodgy when the enemy is at low percent, intercepting or pushing them back on their block, then ending them with an L3.
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,333 ★★★★★

    Before you throw too many sig stones at him, unless you care about prestige and he is one of your top 5, HE DOESNT NEED MORE THAN 20 SIG LEVELS. His buff duration increase ranges from +65% at sig1 to +75% at sig 200. Sig 20 is +70%. It scales disgustingly bad, but that is also a good thing because you don’t need to put as many resources into him to maximize his output.

    Man I wish I'd known this before I put like 60 odd stones into mine :disappointed:

  • EazyDC69EazyDC69 Member Posts: 34
    This is my max 5* and 1x r2 6*
  • EazyDC69EazyDC69 Member Posts: 34

  • EazyDC69EazyDC69 Member Posts: 34
    But tbh from what I’m seeing I was leaning toward Hype already but I think this pushed me over the top... I just wanted some opinions and I pretty much got what I asked for so thanks peeps
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