This damage is of a 4 star Rank 1 Invisible Woman. 500 Force field charges and 50 vulnerability debuffs.
What is your strategy to get 500 force field charges?
I just intercept and launch sp3s. Usually start generating towards 50 Vulnerability charges. It takes a while to do it. So in that time you can get to alot of sp3s. Every SP3= 100 charges.
I’ve got a r2 6* but I’m terrible with her so far especially since the ai has been very timid lately. If I ever get her fully ramped I’ll post it here.
this "damage potential" only viable for ROL winter soldier and nothing else! u dnt wanna dex 50 times in a fight, u dont wanna launch more then 1 sp3,(hell ppl has issues with namor's sp3 even though it gives out good damage) as soon as enemy goes in his "passive AI" mode u r done , u cant intercept if he just dont wanna attack, u cant use this for abyss for many reasons, 240 hit limit, 50 time dex wont b possible there and most side nodes will counter many champs and she might be one of them like every 20 second Gr inflicts incinerate ,she cant deal with it, all in all its a completely failed character design and they not sure what they designed her for. proxima i can say may b get only 1 mission n may b u can go through a war or AQ fights u can not say same about invisible woman
Although her play style is wildly impractical, I could see somebody just chewing through the Abyss with her. Typically those red numbers bypass damage caps in game, so she could put up some digits there. But getting that ramp up will be incredibly difficult. If anybody’s competent/brave/masochistic enough to try it, I’d love to see it.
this "damage potential" only viable for ROL winter soldier and nothing else! u dnt wanna dex 50 times in a fight, u dont wanna launch more then 1 sp3,(hell ppl has issues with namor's sp3 even though it gives out good damage) as soon as enemy goes in his "passive AI" mode u r done , u cant intercept if he just dont wanna attack, u cant use this for abyss for many reasons, 240 hit limit, 50 time dex wont b possible there and most side nodes will counter many champs and she might be one of them like every 20 second Gr inflicts incinerate ,she cant deal with it, all in all its a completely failed character design and they not sure what they designed her for. proxima i can say may b get only 1 mission n may b u can go through a war or AQ fights u can not say same about invisible woman
She’s actually one of the most reliable and forgiving attackers there is. Even with 5-10 vulnerability debuffs she hits harder than most and her l2 hits really hard and doubles her attack for a short time and if you mess up they miss and you don’t take damage. They place debuffs on you passively? Her shield takes 90% of that damage. She is far from a failed champ.
this "damage potential" only viable for ROL winter soldier and nothing else! u dnt wanna dex 50 times in a fight, u dont wanna launch more then 1 sp3,(hell ppl has issues with namor's sp3 even though it gives out good damage) as soon as enemy goes in his "passive AI" mode u r done , u cant intercept if he just dont wanna attack, u cant use this for abyss for many reasons, 240 hit limit, 50 time dex wont b possible there and most side nodes will counter many champs and she might be one of them like every 20 second Gr inflicts incinerate ,she cant deal with it, all in all its a completely failed character design and they not sure what they designed her for. proxima i can say may b get only 1 mission n may b u can go through a war or AQ fights u can not say same about invisible woman
She will kill the fights in AOL before 240 hits if you are skilled enough. And to say they failed in the character design is completely ignorant. She is one of the best champs in the game in my opinion. And if you can't intercept then you don't need a great champ that requires skill, because a person who can't intercept is probably in act 3. She's a great champ for endgame content which is what this game is gearing towards. And The AI is not passive near that stage of the game. Even if it is, Backdraft intercept also does work really well. I can get down ROL winter Soldier in less than 800 hits with 4 star rank 1. With 5/65 it's possible withing a 100 for LOL 50for ROL and maybe 180 of AOL.
I’ve got a r2 6* but I’m terrible with her so far especially since the ai has been very timid lately. If I ever get her fully ramped I’ll post it here.
Unfortunately, her ramp up is not practical, same with hela.