300mn+AQ/g3 LF 9k+ prestige active member

Top 600/G3 LF one 9k+ map 6/5 player & aw contributor
The OTH3r's [0th3r] (Numerical Zero in the tag), used to be AQ focused only and has turned recently also to war.
We're looking for a member socially active on line and also ingame wanting to do map 6 preferably and war. Above all that interacts, contributes to the group and is into experience sharing. The ally's prestige is 9.3k+. We'd appreciate a strong AW profile with good defenders and experience.
[AQ] We run two map 6 bg and one map 5 which gets us to the 300mn milestone in AQ by only paying 150k/12/11 donations. 66666 55566 55555. That's in the top 500/600 depending on the week.
[AW] We've just started doing war this last season begining actually two wars late and with only 2bg. We went from silver III to g3. Now we're going to do 3bg all season. We're organized with predetermined defenders and assigned nodes to max chances of winning and diversity. We would like to add a strong player with good defenders. Our goal is g1 next season.
Contact me through line: Epico1
The OTH3r's [0th3r] (Numerical Zero in the tag), used to be AQ focused only and has turned recently also to war.
We're looking for a member socially active on line and also ingame wanting to do map 6 preferably and war. Above all that interacts, contributes to the group and is into experience sharing. The ally's prestige is 9.3k+. We'd appreciate a strong AW profile with good defenders and experience.
[AQ] We run two map 6 bg and one map 5 which gets us to the 300mn milestone in AQ by only paying 150k/12/11 donations. 66666 55566 55555. That's in the top 500/600 depending on the week.
[AW] We've just started doing war this last season begining actually two wars late and with only 2bg. We went from silver III to g3. Now we're going to do 3bg all season. We're organized with predetermined defenders and assigned nodes to max chances of winning and diversity. We would like to add a strong player with good defenders. Our goal is g1 next season.
Contact me through line: Epico1