Who to rank up, awakened Domino, unawakened Symbiot or Ghostrider

Looking for some feedback on which 5* I should rank up to level 5, awakened Domino, unawakened Symbiote Supreme or Ghostrider?
If you're lacking a top mystic to nullify when need be, go to SS. He doesn't need to be awakened to be great at what he does. If they have buffs or if they bleed, he'll wreck 'em.
Domino, who I only have as a 4* and would love as a 5*, has that great synergy with Massacre and Red Hulk and can do some nice damage, especially with her crit bleeds on sp2.
I'm not the biggest GR fan and feel you really need Blade to make him worth your while. He's a swiss army knife but doesn't have enough damage for my liking. And if he's not awakened, I wouldn't bother