2019 Solo gifting event

dumdum420dumdum420 Member Posts: 6
Are you guys at Kabam looking into compensating players who could have lost positions due to the fraudulent unit spending.... I finished fairly high in the event fairly ( top 140)and think i at least deserve an explanation as to why if nothing is going to be done. Thanks


  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    Depending on how many solo accounts were fraudulent for the solo event, those of us that were only a bit outside of the top 300 would also be affected. I would love to see the adjustments and get into that top 300 range, but I'm not holding my breath.
  • k1ngslenderk1ngslender Member Posts: 2
    I agree! Anyone who legitimately spent enough units to be up there should be compensated! Do the right thing, Kabam!
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