Rank up question

dramaking122dramaking122 Member Posts: 84
If I have 5* r5 black widow Clairevoyant and just pull 6* should I rank her up are is 5* r5 good enough


  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    Unless you are taking the 6* to r3 the 5* r5 is almost as strong as a 6* r2. Personally I wouldn't rank the 6* unless you plan to use 2 at the same time.
  • FeroX_the_fat_heringFeroX_the_fat_hering Member Posts: 311 ★★
    I don’t have a clairvoyant and I am not on your level, but I have a similar thing with a 4* and 5* domino.

    Domino is great for the defense, so I’ll be using the 4* for that and the 5* for questing.

    Maybe you can use one for AQ and the for AW?
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