Kabam have you had an idea like this?

RangaboopRangaboop Member Posts: 19
edited January 2020 in Suggestions and Requests
Constructive opinions and comments only!

As of last year Dec 30th I left my alliance on my own volition and have found myself struggling to find rank up materials, or at least a steady/common way to come by these. Apart from the monthly events that give you one-time rewards there isn’t too much one person can do to find Alpha catalysts, or even fragments.

My thought was that it would seem like a beneficial opportunity if there were fragments for T1 Alpha ,(or even catalysts themselves, though this would seem a bit too much), introduced in their own daily quest OR introduced as a bonus reward for completing and exploring the daily generic quest. It’s my thought that these rewards should be locked to full exploration of the generic part 3 quest and both completion and exploration of the generic part 4 quest.

I am well aware that there is already an arena once a week for T1 alpha and also generic catalysts, but for those who struggle to find the time and/or motivation to grind out the hundreds of thousands of points it is a struggle to achieve the milestones. I also understand that AQ maps are quite rewarding with T1 alpha in the lower maps but are nowhere to be found in the late-game maps. But this is extremely tedious and exhausting to get T1 Alpha for those of us who find the pressure of an alliance too much for a mobile game.

Don’t get me wrong, I love this game, my account has been sitting at level 60 for over a year now (playing for nearly 3 years) and I have nearly hit the milestone of 1 million hero rating (Game name is Rangatang for proof). I do not claim to know everything but I am not just a noob to this game and would really appreciate constructive opinions and comments :).


  • Mhd20034Mhd20034 Member Posts: 162
    Be like me I joined an alliance that doesn’t do aw and only does map 2 in aq and you will get a lot of t1 from the 3 day alliance event
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    As someone who recruits for an alliance, I suggest you clearly advertise yourself on the appropriate services (including the Kabam and Reddit recruitment pages), and explain what you are looking for in an alliance. Chill, AQ focused, no war, whatever. Be specific about what you want to do and you should find a match. Good luck.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    I’m just in a chill alliance with others my skill level. We do map 4 and AW, but nothing is required. I would find a chill ally for yourself, or join ours [YaGod] if you wanna.
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