Is it time for us to be able to sell t4 class catalyst ?

YouconfusedYouconfused Member Posts: 274
I think it’s high time since abyss is out.

Is it time for us to be able to sell t4 class catalyst ? 38 votes

BrutalDLXRektorpayebuduEB54Osfan8NiteAndDaeTanz0rTaZ_4178Bruinsfan85104NeverLordRaymond3Aldacbrandinhopontusumbra-sixate-GraydroxWade420wilson69MassapealAlexBossuMadcat 24 votes
GroundedWisdomLeNoirFaineantUncle_Fatty_247CupidWebby72jnikolas92JollyHawkDonDudu2809LazuliErosenseioglowlevelplayerIbbySoyheyor123Elite_Gamer 14 votes


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Considering people are sitting on stockpiles of T4s, probably not the best idea for progression and Resource balancing.
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    Yes, I'd rather sell for the next level up than trade 3 for 1 and isn't a guarantee of what I need.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    edited January 2020
    I'm sure people would like to, but at this point, T5CCs are the most valuable limiting Resource. Opening that floodgate would result in filling the game with T5CCs, devaluing them, and shifting the limiting Resource to something else.
  • GraydroxGraydrox Member Posts: 413 ★★★

    I'm sure people would like to, but at this point, T5CCs are the most valuable limiting Resource. Opening that floodgate would result in filling the game with T5CCs, devaluing them, and shifting the limiting Resource to something else.

    Come on dude. You would literally have to sell 225 t4b to make 1 t5b. We know how crappy Kabam exchange rates are and allowing people to sell t4cc ain't gonna open any floodgates.
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