Overlooked utility champs (list why please)

We're talking the ones who are good but overlooked, not those who are great at one node on your path and that's the only reason they're there. These usually have some good skills but no one great thing about them. I'm skipping Guillotine because her s2 is brutal on regen and her bleed can stack, plus plenty of people love her.
I'll take Jane Foster since her makeover. She can stack stagger, all her specials shock now, which can lead to stun, which can lead to constant critical hits. She has a slight energy resistance and a potential to reload her stuns on the same shock. I get she's not a powerhouse like Thor, but she IS a human is a god's clothing. I won't r5 her or anything crazy like that, I'm just admitting her potential value, especially for those who have her early on in their rosters.
I'll take Jane Foster since her makeover. She can stack stagger, all her specials shock now, which can lead to stun, which can lead to constant critical hits. She has a slight energy resistance and a potential to reload her stuns on the same shock. I get she's not a powerhouse like Thor, but she IS a human is a god's clothing. I won't r5 her or anything crazy like that, I'm just admitting her potential value, especially for those who have her early on in their rosters.
Nothing. I can't find a good ability or utility for this champs. Completely useless and very very weak.
Venompool- In no way a god tier champion but I feel like he gets more hate than he reserves. Spamming his sp1 gives him great bleed damage especially with deep wounds and against opponents with the occasional buff he actually has a good regen. His duped ability is pretty bad but circumstantially can be useful.
King Groot- A new champ so not a lot of people have played around with him but he still has flown quite a bit under the radar. Duped he has one of the best regens in game either third or second best. He has great burst damage once you stack 3-4 furies and get a couple stacks of armor break. All that plus bleed immunity makes him one of the best sustainable AQ and general questing champions.
Put her in quests with BW and Hulk and she'll perma stun her way through anything.
Groot, oh wait, no.
He's **** in defence and attack
Yea Thor (Jane Foster) is a lot better than I gave her credit for at first. I know find her pretty decent.
Winter Soldier - great damage, good bleed, and if duped, some power control as well.
Karnak - destroys Spiderman and evaders, a useful "utility" as it were.
I love Loki vs. Juggs/UC. Hit s3 on them and steal unstoppables when used. use unstoppable to land more heavies to replenish curse. win
Damn. You guys are almost convincing me to take my 5* Jane to r2 and, maybe, use her instead of my 4* r4 unduped Elektra...
If Jane is duped, she has amazing damage output.
Only downside with her is that the opponent will likely be at s3 by the time your stun lock fades off. You probably need the stun masteries that reduce power gain if you really want to use her properly.
I recorded myself (to show alliance mates how useful she is) fighting a 5* 15k pi colossus in master with her, he got his s3 pretty quick but could never use it.
Gwenpool is more of a damage and utility champ but she still has a defensive ability accuracy reduction so I count her as a ability accuracy reduction champion. My rankings weren't based on the effectiveness of their ability reduction but rather the champions as a whole, sorry I should have specified. Crossbones can be the best in certain scenarios but overall elektra is better. Elektra is better for AW because mystic defenders would gain power too quickly from crossbones' furies, in general questing crossbones has a bit of build up before he can effectively reduce ability accuracy while elektra can right from the start reduce ability accuracy, elektra is more reliable than crossbones as his fury stacks are quite random and elektra has better damage output especially in longer fights. I still love playing crossbones but other than in scenarios where you can't debuff the opponent like in RTTLOL elektra is quite a bit better.
Civil warrior has a great heal block that you can place on a whim, which makes him a great reactionary heal blocker, and he's really fun to play. Wish his power drain were more reliable, though.
How about Iron Fist? Crazy damage when you stack up a few armor breaks, and his heavy dispels a few buffs, which isn't too crucial but it can tie in well with mystic dispersion.
Hawkeye's bleed and power drain are definitely great utilities, and I feel like people that are disappointed to pull him should definitely take a closer look at him
I think Old Man Logan is pretty poor character design, relying on taking damage or baiting specials for his damage, but those times when you stack seven or eight furies and cruelties, his damage is amazing. I just wish he were reliable or consistent in the slightest.
Also, and this is a character I really don't like, She Hulk, but this is a neat trick you can pull if you have to use her. (Pulled her as a four star and I would never rank her up, but I use her in arena from time to time) Parry the opponent, use a heavy, then interrupt it with your special three. Since her heavy's damage boost manifests itself as a fury buff, you can take advantage of the split second it's active and get off a special three with her huge damage boost.
Most of all, this whole thing brings to mind how many characters don't really have any use at all, like Groot. I guess he's good on defense?.. I guess? How about Gambit? Sure, he can do decent damage on specials, if you're willing to take a ton of block damage while building up prowess buffs, or more likely, get backed into a corner. What about Falcon? Netflix Daredevil? Joe Fixit? Colossus? There's dozens more. Where's their use outside of arena? I'm fine with tiers in this game, and I don't WANT every character to be god tier, but just looking at all these characters, like elektra, beast, etc, that aren't god tier by any means, but they're still awesome characters... They don't have to be god tier to be good, or fun. I hope that as kabam moves past all the bug fixing patches, they can put some work into buffing characters that need it, especially some of the older ones, even if it's in minor increases to stats.
(I really hope I'm not hijacking this thread or anything, and I'd love to see other people's opinions on some of this game's diamonds in the rough, but I really do feel like there are precious few of them. The "middle class" of heroes in this game is far too small, if you ask me.)
Howard the Duck - Bit of a tank, but also has good damage output. His SP2 can crack off some good debuffs. Has regen similar to Ultron that it triggers when you drop a certain amount of health. He's buffs/debuffs just aren't reliable. You never know what you'll get. Plus he's a duck in a robot suit, how cool is that?
Venom - The fury he gains when the opponent bleeds (sig ability) can generate some good damage. Very quick attacker, decent for AW defense too.
Winter Soldier - Like others have said above. Good power control, decent bleed.
Storm - Her SP2 is one of the hardest hitting in the game.
Punisher - Good bleed, just a fun one to fight with.
Hawkeye - Like others have said. Awesome bleed, reliable power control. I think he takes a back seat to Gwenpool because he is Special-dependent whereas Gwen just triggers her bleed with normal hits.
All of these don't require "special" or "nuanced" play to activate their skills. Don't get me wrong, I like champs like Quake and Psylocke, but needing to do specific hit/special/block combos to activate their good stuff is a bit of a pain. I hated Beast at first because of his nuanced play, but once I learned the difference between acrobatic and freestyle modes (and how to chain them), he's been a lot of fun to play with his stacked bleeds, bleed resistance, and health regen.
Groot can take damage and is bleed immune, but I don't like using him, even on a Guardians team with all that synergy (which can be fun to play with if you're running easy content for prizes). Falcon can lock on to evaders, but you're dead on with the others you mentioned (and referenced). I'm glad there's been so much input on this, as we all have our favorites that nobody else understands. I'm curious to see how Doc Ock and Green Goblin are eventually viewed, since Carnage has been such a disaster, but they're not bad like he is.
Crossbones is still better (other than mystic dispersion)
You mess up once with gwenpool, it's game over while crossbones has those furies that he can keep the whole fight