Labyrinth 100% as a F2P - From First Path to 100% in 4 Days , a Comprehensive Guide w/ Aegon & Data

WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
edited February 2020 in General Discussion
After all these streams coming out for the Abyss I realised I still haven't touched LOL, so I thought I'd finally rip the band-aid off and give it a go.

The purpose of this post is to hopefully encourage those who haven't 100% LOL and what they can expect to spend/do if they try.

Here are all my tips and data using a 5/65 Sig 183 Aegon for every fight I encountered:

My main tactic was to take it nice and slow in the sense where I didn't have to complete fights consecutively, I watched Seatin and Lagacy's Abyss livestreams and I saw most of their mistakes were from fatigue and not taking quick breaks so I tried not to boost as much as I could - allowing me to take breaks in between fights. I think this worked out well in the end although stupid mistakes are inevitable, see below:

Path 1: (Map from Kiryu/KT1 V2.2)

Here I tried timing each fight, hit counts and obviously revives used to strategize resource allocation for future runs and what to expect. As it was my first path I was sloppy and made many mistakes hence all the boosts and items used.

Path 2+3

I messed up bad on this path and went the wrong route, which was by far my most expensive path as a result and I freaked out and didn't record data for this path.

Path 3+2

Getting a lot better at tackling LOL and got into a really good rhythm fighting Maestro.

Path 4:

Electro you need to heal up for, still took damage sometimes - not sure entirely how this interaction works.

Path 5:

Juggernaut sucked, but it's not too bad of a fight with parry/sp3 & heavy to rid of his unstoppable, just be patient and wait for his buff unstoppable to expire first before parry/sp3.

Path 6:

Read up Reddit and forum posts for the Agent Venom and people said it was bugged or whatever, not sure if he still is but just keep hitting into his block if you can't land a hit and ensure you don't get incinerated at 1314 per tick - kinda like a really quick Bane node is how I'd treat it.

Path 7:

After 4 days I did it and I'm super happy with it. It was about 3.4k units total, which is much higher than it should've been since I had no stashed revives as I'm trying to 100% Act 6.3 (hence the stinginess on boosts etc.)

Team Synergy:

Star Lord - Combo Shield
Angela - +25% Fury Potency
Heimdall - Saves your life, also gives you a fury every fight by dashing back and holding for 1.5 seconds (best done when you have time during the sp3 stun)
Hela - Champions have a 100% chance to instantly regain 20% of their HP just before they're knocked out. Each living teammate reduces this chance by 20% - Hence you MUST KO all your other champs before entering fights.

I truly think this is the best synergy for LOL specifically as you revive 20% instead of dying, the Nick Fury/Quake evade synergy I think is better for the Abyss where you need more roster space for other champs.


I initially did Path 1 & 2 with my normal suicide setup:
3/3 Liquid Courage & Double Edge
3/3 Willpower and 2/3 Coagulate

However, after realising I could go for 100% I reset masteries and turned off Willpower and Coagulate, as Aegon shrugs of suicide Debuffs after a hit anyway (the first fight you'll lose about 20-30% against Rulk/SL before you shrug it off). I reinvested them into:
3/3 Courage (Plus 20% attack when under 50% health which is why I never healed up and used 40% revives)
4/4 Fury Potency & Extended Fury

The difference between these two mastery setups was substantial, as I had to reset my mastery setup for AW the next day back to my original one, for my initial set up a 6 combo at 999 with the furies you gain when playing aggressively was:

12.6k, 7.2k, 8k, 8k, 6.3k, 6.9k = 49k total combo

After resetting to max Courage and Fury enhancements a combo was:

15k, 9.9k, 9.9k, 9.9k, 7.7k 7.7k = 60k total combo

General Tips:
- Take the first fight unboosted and keep quitting until you one shot, I honestly find these amongst the hardest fights in LoL because ramping up with no abilities sucks
- If you are using this synergy with Aegon there is no need to heal up (aside from Magik and Electro fights) as you gain 20% per death anyway, I did almost every fight on 20% or below
- If you are about to finish a fight with 10% or less and you know you are about to win, take some block damage so you can get the Hela/Heimdall synergy +20% health and save yourself revives.
- Hitting into the block (before 999 combo) and Sp3's for back are your best friends for power control. If an opponent has a tough Sp1 but an easy Sp2 (Elektra, Spidergwen, Falcon, War Machine) keep hitting into the block right before their Sp1 and then you can intercept/Sp3 to push them to their easy Sp2.
- Certain champs have very quick Sp1s, in the sense that when you 6 combo and try dash back right after you can get clipped very easily, these champions include - Vision (both), Cyclops (both), Spidergwen etc. It is recommended that when they've got a bar of power to play patiently and only 4 combo MLLL and then dash back and bait, I got clipped a lot trying to dash back after a 6 combo and they fire this off very quickly.
- Take breaks! This content is long, refocus your eyes and stretch your thumb when you're doing your Sp3.
- Have a map in front of you to ensure you don't take a wrong path as it is easy to lose track.

Tough Fights/Ones you have to pay extra attention to:
- Agent Venom - Play aggressively and keep hitting into block to avoid incinerate, it ticks for 1314 damage per tick

- Juggernaut - Parry after his initial unstoppable expires to remove his enigmatic unstoppable, not that bad a fight if you alternate parries with sp3s to stun and heavy counter

- Spiderman - Make sure to parry/sp3 stun after his Sp2 and keep pushing him to it when possible

- Wolverine X23 - If you're going to use boosts this is the fight, her regen is 13k per tick = about 90k every 15 sec in addition to her own champion regen which is about 5k per tick, I did this without Sp2 bleeds as I ran suicides which I think would definitely help, but otherwise 3/3 Petrify goes a long way if you time your Sp3 right before she's about to regen so it only becomes 8k per tick.

- Maestro - If you're running suicides you have to hit into his block to shrug off your debuffs, he also does not take sp2 bleed so only use it to push him to his Sp2. Push him to his Sp2 as it's very easy to evade, his Sp1 is simple to dodge, but only swipe once per beam and don't double dash as you'll get clipped.

Well, if you've made this far thank you so much for reading! I hope you got something out of it, whether it's encouragement to give it a go, or if you did this ages ago and wanted to see how the times have changed. To the people who did this years ago with 4 stars or a 4/55 StarLord you people are amazing and I truly do not understand how people 100% LOL back then without Odin after Odin. Probably smashing the Abyss now lol.

Thank you!


  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    I also did 100% last month
    And yeah early guys without Ægon or Ghost were the real players man
    I ended up using 2100 units to explore 100% after 4 years when i did my initial run with a 4* SL who took 6k units back then that too on a easy path
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Im at 4/7 now.
    I run aegon as well but I use proxima/nick/antman/deadpool to have a safty net + 10% reg at every fight is just nice. I guess both have pros and cons.
    Gj on that 100%.
    Did you 1 shot meastro? I tried it ofc but I couldnt do better than 2 tries (1revive)
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    The best I got was getting Maestro down to 36% in one hit, for 2 goes total finishing him off but that Sp1 dodge is weird sometimes, I was really getting into dodging his sp1's hoping for a one shot and would do the same timing and get clipped, really odd that fight, I'm sure there are one shots out there though
  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    Woozie said:

    After all these streams coming out for the Abyss I realised I still haven't touched LOL, so I thought I'd finally rip the band-aid off and give it a go.

    The purpose of this post is to hopefully encourage those who haven't 100% LOL and what they can expect to spend/do if they try.

    Here are all my tips and data using a 5/65 Sig 183 Aegon for every fight I encountered:

    My main tactic was to take it nice and slow in the sense where I didn't have to complete fights consecutively, I watched Seatin and Lagacy's Abyss livestreams and I saw most of their mistakes were from fatigue and not taking quick breaks so I tried not to boost as much as I could - allowing me to take breaks in between fights. I think this worked out well in the end although stupid mistakes are inevitable, see below:

    Path 1: (Map from Kiryu/KT1 V2.2)

    Here I tried timing each fight, hit counts and obviously revives used to strategize resource allocation for future runs and what to expect. As it was my first path I was sloppy and made many mistakes hence all the boosts and items used.

    Path 2+3

    I messed up bad on this path and went the wrong route, which was by far my most expensive path as a result and I freaked out and didn't record data for this path.

    Path 3+2

    Getting a lot better at tackling LOL and got into a really good rhythm fighting Maestro.

    Path 4:

    Electro you need to heal up for, still took damage sometimes - not sure entirely how this interaction works.

    Path 5:

    Juggernaut sucked, but it's not too bad of a fight with parry/sp3 & heavy to rid of his unstoppable, just be patient and wait for his buff unstoppable to expire first before parry/sp3.

    Path 6:

    Read up Reddit and forum posts for the Agent Venom and people said it was bugged or whatever, not sure if he still is but just keep hitting into his block if you can't land a hit and ensure you don't get incinerated at 1314 per tick - kinda like a really quick Bane node is how I'd treat it.

    Path 7:

    After 4 days I did it and I'm super happy with it. It was about 3.4k units total, which is much higher than it should've been since I had no stashed revives as I'm trying to 100% Act 6.3 (hence the stinginess on boosts etc.)

    Team Synergy:

    Star Lord - Combo Shield
    Angela - +25% Fury Potency
    Heimdall - Saves your life, also gives you a fury every fight by dashing back and holding for 1.5 seconds (best done when you have time during the sp3 stun)
    Hela - Champions have a 100% chance to instantly regain 20% of their HP just before they're knocked out. Each living teammate reduces this chance by 20% - Hence you MUST KO all your other champs before entering fights.

    I truly think this is the best synergy for LOL specifically as you revive 20% instead of dying, the Nick Fury/Quake evade synergy I think is better for the Abyss where you need more roster space for other champs.


    I initially did Path 1 & 2 with my normal suicide setup:
    3/3 Liquid Courage & Double Edge
    3/3 Willpower and 2/3 Coagulate

    However, after realising I could go for 100% I reset masteries and turned off Willpower and Coagulate, as Aegon shrugs of suicide Debuffs after a hit anyway (the first fight you'll lose about 20-30% against Rulk/SL before you shrug it off). I reinvested them into:
    3/3 Courage (Plus 20% attack when under 50% health which is why I never healed up and used 40% revives)
    4/4 Fury Potency & Extended Fury

    The difference between these two mastery setups was substantial, as I had to reset my mastery setup for AW the next day back to my original one, for my initial set up a 6 combo at 999 with the furies you gain when playing aggressively was:

    12.6k, 7.2k, 8k, 8k, 6.3k, 6.9k = 49k total combo

    After resetting to max Courage and Fury enhancements a combo was:

    15k, 9.9k, 9.9k, 9.9k, 7.7k 7.7k = 60k total combo

    General Tips:
    - Take the first fight unboosted and keep quitting until you one shot, I honestly find these amongst the hardest fights in LoL because ramping up with no abilities sucks
    - If you are using this synergy with Aegon there is no need to heal up (aside from Magik and Electro fights) as you gain 20% per death anyway, I did almost every fight on 20% or below
    - If you are about to finish a fight with 10% or less and you know you are about to win, take some block damage so you can get the Hela/Heimdall synergy +20% health and save yourself revives.
    - Hitting into the block (before 999 combo) and Sp3's for back are your best friends for power control. If an opponent has a tough Sp1 but an easy Sp2 (Elektra, Spidergwen, Falcon, War Machine) keep hitting into the block right before their Sp1 and then you can intercept/Sp3 to push them to their easy Sp2.
    - Certain champs have very quick Sp1s, in the sense that when you 6 combo and try dash back right after you can get clipped very easily, these champions include - Vision (both), Cyclops (both), Spidergwen etc. It is recommended that when they've got a bar of power to play patiently and only 4 combo MLLL and then dash back and bait, I got clipped a lot trying to dash back after a 6 combo and they fire this off very quickly.
    - Take breaks! This content is long, refocus your eyes and stretch your thumb when you're doing your Sp3.
    - Have a map in front of you to ensure you don't take a wrong path as it is easy to lose track.

    Tough Fights/Ones you have to pay extra attention to:
    - Agent Venom - Play aggressively and keep hitting into block to avoid incinerate, it ticks for 1314 damage per tick

    - Juggernaut - Parry after his initial unstoppable expires to remove his enigmatic unstoppable, not that bad a fight if you alternate parries with sp3s to stun and heavy counter

    - Spiderman - Make sure to parry/sp3 stun after his Sp2 and keep pushing him to it when possible

    - Wolverine X23 - If you're going to use boosts this is the fight, her regen is 13k per tick = about 90k every 15 sec in addition to her own champion regen which is about 5k per tick, I did this without Sp2 bleeds as I ran suicides which I think would definitely help, but otherwise 3/3 Petrify goes a long way if you time your Sp3 right before she's about to regen so it only becomes 8k per tick.

    - Maestro - If you're running suicides you have to hit into his block to shrug off your debuffs, he also does not take sp2 bleed so only use it to push him to his Sp2. Push him to his Sp2 as it's very easy to evade, his Sp1 is simple to dodge, but only swipe once per beam and don't double dash as you'll get clipped.

    Well, if you've made this far thank you so much for reading! I hope you got something out of it, whether it's encouragement to give it a go, or if you did this ages ago and wanted to see how the times have changed. To the people who did this years ago with 4 stars or a 4/55 StarLord you people are amazing and I truly do not understand how people 100% LOL back then without Odin after Odin. Probably smashing the Abyss now lol.

    Thank you!

    Hoping to awaken my Aegon tomorrow when I open my 1 million acorn crystal. This is my 3rd 5 star awakening gem ever and so far no red, so third times a charm
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    Tiger360 said:

    Good luck!
  • JVoorheesJVoorhees Member Posts: 53
    Great job on putting this together...interesting read, very comprehensive!
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    JVoorhees said:

    Great job on putting this together...interesting read, very comprehensive!

    Thank you!
  • PerceptronPerceptron Member Posts: 169
    One of the best post in a while

    i was looking for something like that. for a player like me who is too rigid Not to Spend a dime and less temperamental. this post will allow me to analyze how gradually i can complete Lol
  • PrentexPrentex Member Posts: 414 ★★
    Awesome Post, congrats man!
    What you did in 4 days took me 4 months and almost 14k units back then, so lots of arena grinding lol.
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★

    One of the best post in a while

    i was looking for something like that. for a player like me who is too rigid Not to Spend a dime and less temperamental. this post will allow me to analyze how gradually i can complete Lol

    Thank you and good luck ! Happy to answer anymore questions you may encounter on the way to 100%

  • rcm2017rcm2017 Member Posts: 667 ★★★
    Good work mate!!! Inspiring...
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    Amazing post..

    I’m on 2/7 now however I’m not the best player.. took me around 1k units each time. But definitely will try suggested synergy.

    Would be great to see similar ones for each Variant:-)
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    solmyrair said:

    Amazing post..

    I’m on 2/7 now however I’m not the best player.. took me around 1k units each time. But definitely will try suggested synergy.

    Would be great to see similar ones for each Variant:-)

    1k units per run isn't bad! If you have Aegon and try the synergy hopefully you can cut that down :smile:

    I am definitely not the best player either haha that's why I tried doing 2 paths a day so I could find a good rhythm and remember how the fights are.

    Good luck!
  • CharbelCirnesCharbelCirnes Member Posts: 27
    Awesome post!!
    This post is my favorite guide to do all the paths, I have completed the first 3, and I am going for the others just need to grind more units
    this is great bro, gonna save it, i just need an aegon
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★

    Awesome post!!
    This post is my favorite guide to do all the paths, I have completed the first 3, and I am going for the others just need to grind more units

    Appreciating the kind words! Glad to see it's actually helpful and awesome work CharbelCirnes.

    FYI: I have been grinding all arena milestones and am already on 4.5k units so I'll be trying my first Abyss of Legends run in 2 weeks time, I will make another post like this so you can hopefully reference off of it again. Wish me luck and if you have any tips let me know!
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    @Woozie Great post, thank you very much! How did you manage to use the Star Lord synergy instead of the Evade Charges? Are you that good that you don't tend to get hit? 😂 Another question, doesn't Limber kick in in the fights you say to use SP3 stun and heavy attack/push to SP2?
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    edited February 2020
    iRetr0 said:

    @Woozie Great post, thank you very much! How did you manage to use the Star Lord synergy instead of the Evade Charges? Are you that good that you don't tend to get hit? 😂 Another question, doesn't Limber kick in in the fights you say to use SP3 stun and heavy attack/push to SP2?

    Hey! The StarLord synergy was just to help ramp up on the first few fights and it becomes obsolete after the first couple of them, I think reviving 20% is better than 3 evade charges because sometimes I would eat a full 5 combo and still not die so with a team based around Aegon this is the better synergy I think. In the Abyss I'll be taking only Quake since I'll need to diversify my team.

    Great question! Aegon's stun off the sp3 is based off his combo, so it bypasses Limber so to speak and still lasts about 8 seconds (enough to do 2 full combos, then chain MLM and then redo another combo)

    Plus I was very careful in using parries in general (you get about 6-7 parries approx) and when you are Unblockable at 999 combo you don't need to parry really as you are just attacking them at that point.
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
    Well done on the post mate

    I don’t own AEgon

    I’ll try easy with what I have
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
    Oh yeah
    Can someone post a good copy of the map?
  • HendrossHendross Member Posts: 966 ★★★

    Thanks for this post, it motivated me to do the easy path. I used a total of 6 revives and all the love potion. I chose to go with Quake and Fury, the random evades are BS and I'm glad I had them.
  • CharbelCirnesCharbelCirnes Member Posts: 27
    Woozie said:

    Awesome post!!
    This post is my favorite guide to do all the paths, I have completed the first 3, and I am going for the others just need to grind more units

    Appreciating the kind words! Glad to see it's actually helpful and awesome work CharbelCirnes.

    FYI: I have been grinding all arena milestones and am already on 4.5k units so I'll be trying my first Abyss of Legends run in 2 weeks time, I will make another post like this so you can hopefully reference off of it again. Wish me luck and if you have any tips let me know!
    Its been really helpful, also Im taking advantage of the free masteries to change them with no cost. Now I have 2 paths left.

    About your Abyss of Legends run thats awesome bro keep grinding and you will do it withouth a doubt.

    I wish you good luck and of course I will take a look on your new AOL guide.
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    Hey guys! I finished Path 1 of the Abyss today and wrote another guide like I did for LoL here, you can check it out:
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