Along with all the new upcoming 5 star characters...

Ment0rMent0r Member Posts: 6
I'm a little worried about the current pace of ranking up said 5 star characters. Rate of hoarding tier 2 Alpha fragments is too slow.. Will we sit around hoarding a bunch of 5 star characters we will never be able to rank up?

With the addition of these new 5 stars (and plans to increase the pool monthly) there should be some other ways of getting t2a. :|


  • NyaleNyale Member Posts: 136
    T2 alfa shard crystal should be added to the glory store
  • Ment0rMent0r Member Posts: 6
    they will say tier 1 alpha is already being sold there for 350 glory 1st purchase.. I mean, we need real ways of ranking up the new 5 stars.. the current ones aren't realistic.
  • LegendsForgedLegendsForged Member Posts: 364
    Everyone complaining bout t2a while the rest of the community barely has enough 5* to even think of t2a yet alot ranking them up. Smh!
  • Rynot916Rynot916 Member Posts: 30
    It's clear that they are pushing more and more 5*s, along with that, I would assume that T2a catalysts and frags will also become slightly easier to obtain. Either that or more T1a catalysts will flood the game so we can sell for more T2a shards.
  • Ment0rMent0r Member Posts: 6
    We are very close to knowing the rewards of Act 5 - Chapter 2.. Yet we can't say for sure they are going to address this soonish enough :/
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