Looking for an AQ Alliance

Lv 60 player that logs a couple of hours a day looking for an alliance that does AQ regularly
User: Kate Kane Location: East Coast USA Contact: In game or Line app (KateKaneGames)
Prestige 3337
Top Characters: 5/50 4* Thor, 4/40 Crossbones, 4/40 Capt. America, 4/40 Superior Iron Man, 4/40 Spider-Man Miles Morales
Pictured are all my 4/40+ champions.

1) Alliance that goes Summoner Advancement every week
2) AQ regularly (need t4cc)
I have plenty of defenders for AW if desired and, while not a boss killer, I always clear my lanes in AQ. Dues, not a problem
User: Kate Kane Location: East Coast USA Contact: In game or Line app (KateKaneGames)
Prestige 3337
Top Characters: 5/50 4* Thor, 4/40 Crossbones, 4/40 Capt. America, 4/40 Superior Iron Man, 4/40 Spider-Man Miles Morales
Pictured are all my 4/40+ champions.

1) Alliance that goes Summoner Advancement every week
2) AQ regularly (need t4cc)
I have plenty of defenders for AW if desired and, while not a boss killer, I always clear my lanes in AQ. Dues, not a problem