Delayed or out of order AI actions, especially specials

gforcefangforcefan Member Posts: 407 ★★★
I am not a programmer, but I am trying to articulate the issue. Since the last couple of updates it seems like there is sometimes a delay from when the AI means to do something and when it happens - or possibly actions are being done in the wrong order. As a result, the player gets punished.
It is most problematic when the animation shows I should have already hit the defender with an attack but nothing happens (especially with heavies). Then I get hit with a special. Sometimes the AI comes out of a stun and can attack even in the middle of my attack - like it is giving precedent to the AI's action. This is similar to attacking out of the block, but stun instead.

I have duplicated on Android and Iphone.

It also shows itself in a harmless way, when the AI performs an action after it is already KO'd. Here is an example from a Lagacy video. Move to just before the 6:26 mark.
Domino begins to fall from KO, but then begins attacking instead.
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