Omega Red taking bleed damage

Never had an issue with bleed, biohazard nodes using Omega Red until this monthly event quest fighting carnage boss chp. 2.1 I’m taking bleed damage please can someone help clear that up for me.
The 10% from coagulate does in fact give OR full immunity.
That aside, when the node is enhanced bleed he does take the enhanced damage. Not exactly sure how does the math work though (meaning how much damage does he take)
Kabam is reinventing math.
Same with redhulk. Even if you have over 100% resist you take damage when the damage is increased.
Biohazard: Deals 100% bleed damage of the defenders attack over 7.50 seconds.
Carnage has an attack of 4817. Meaning that over 7,50 seconds, the bleed damage will deal a total of 4817 damage to the opponent.
Now, let's add 40% effectiveness from the enhanced bleed node, and take out 90% from Omega Red's ability to resist bleed damage.
100% + 40% - 90% = 50%. So now, we know that the bleed damage will deal only 50% of the damage, which is basically half.
From 4817 total damage on a bleed, he will get a total of 2408,5 total damage only.
Considering each second applies 2x ticks of bleed damage, then in 7,50 seconds we get a total of 15 bleed ticks of damage.
Now, let's pick the total damage (2408,5) and divide that by 15. The result is close to 161 which should be the damage per tick of the bleed debuff, against Omega Red.
And as you can see in the video above, the bleed does indeed deal 161 damage per tick against Omega Red.
You take 140% bleeddamage -100% = 40%.
Im not saying that this makes sense. But that IS how it works so troll somewhere else.