Have I messed up 5.4.6?

The red lines are paths I've done.
I think I can get Jayne Foster when I do the rage path but am I going to have to redo vigor to get that dot with no one on it kind of opposite jf?
The black circle is where the portal to stark Spidey and Ultron is

I think I can get Jayne Foster when I do the rage path but am I going to have to redo vigor to get that dot with no one on it kind of opposite jf?
The black circle is where the portal to stark Spidey and Ultron is

Maybe I have already done it, can't move the map to see.
I'll have to try and check it when I do one of the other paths
The swastika was used for millennia as a symbol of good will and well being before Hitler tarnished it.