Looking for new alliance

My husband and i are looking for a new alliance. He prefers wars and i prefer aq so we need a alliance that does both. We can do map 4 in aq. Need an alliance that has great communication. We have line. My line is shelly2424

We do AQ 444, 443, 442 depending on war attack/weekend and wich AQ day it is. You join the map that suits you on that particular day. Life is always there so some wiggle room is nice to have
AW we do 2 BGs so people dont have to do every war all the time. Its first come first served
We have no requirements for events like SA or completion and such. Just smash all the points you can and have fun. I think its preposterous to demand someone does a certain amount of solo questing for example, when I'm already on them about doing AQ and AW. Life is a thing after all.
We use Line. Add me on line; "Ohlinho", if you guys are interested! 2 spots will be open tomorrow.