In the 5 * arena in the "endless series" he puts 6 * 3/45 against the teams

After the 20th series in any of the arenas, the so-called "Endless series" begins, in which the complexity of the opponents is always "high" and always corresponds to the level of the Summoner team. The problem is apparently that people pumped 6 * to 3/45 and because of this, some levels of maximum and minimum ratings for the 5 * arena have shifted.
Now teams against which literally one or two weeks ago made equal opponents, throws at the most difficult opponents - 6 * 3/45. And this is more than the 20th in the series! It turns out that in order to avoid such a situation, you need to put 5 * 2/35 leveling characters at least, but, for example, I have 17 5 * characters in the first rank. To the second rank, I pump them, but I’ll pump them all for another three months, if not more.
It would be great if the player did not have to wonder if the team is suitable for the rating or other conditions for an endless series or not. If the minimum required rating were shown, as when choosing a team for the job. It is unclear why he is not in the character selection window for the arena.
sorry for my google translate
Now teams against which literally one or two weeks ago made equal opponents, throws at the most difficult opponents - 6 * 3/45. And this is more than the 20th in the series! It turns out that in order to avoid such a situation, you need to put 5 * 2/35 leveling characters at least, but, for example, I have 17 5 * characters in the first rank. To the second rank, I pump them, but I’ll pump them all for another three months, if not more.
It would be great if the player did not have to wonder if the team is suitable for the rating or other conditions for an endless series or not. If the minimum required rating were shown, as when choosing a team for the job. It is unclear why he is not in the character selection window for the arena.
sorry for my google translate
and how does it go when the series is already endless?
A week ago, against such a team put equal opponents.
In the morning I was thrown to 6 * 3/45 with a team of two 2/35 and one 1/25.
It turns out that the minimum required rating for holding the series has changed, and where can I see it?
And for 2nd case (Streak 22), you are only using 1 champ at 2/35 (with two at 1/25), and 2 of then are Not Dup. So could have been a borderline case as well.
Now if you want to see something funny, I also noticed the game do this occasionally:
Kang's 6* pulls suck, but you gotta love his conviction ranking them all the way up to rank 5.
5* 2/35 are "safe" to run in trio
One case could spell disaster, while the other case would be safe. Even if both cases were using 1x 4/40 and 2x 3/30 (or their 5* equivalents).
And in fact you could maybe see that a full team of your very highest rated 3/30, versus another case of a full team of your very lowest 4/40, actually might give you similar matchups. Even though man-for-man each one is technically a full Rank higher that that slot in the other case. Because Rating-wise, they are very comparable.
The formula has changed, but nowhere is this said. The current minimum required rating is not shown anywhere.
I will try to post screenshots later.
Why it is impossible to show the minimum rating, as for tasks?
I’ve been playing a game for a year now and have always played arenas. First, for the Basic 4 * arena, it was necessary to determine the teams that fit the rating.
When there were more champions, I began to play the Main 4 * arena - for her again I experimentally determined for which teams I put equal opponents.
Moreover, for the Guillotine, 4 * 4/40 through time set against 5 * 5/65 opponents. Raised the Guillotine to rank 5.
About 3-4 months ago I began to play the 5 * arena. For her, it turned out that not all 4 * 4/40 hold the "endless series." The Rhino 5 * fell out - with its presence in the team it was against 6 * 2/35, it raised the Rhino 2 ranks.
People pumped 6 * characters to 3 ranks. Again, everything has changed. This week already against the Rhino of the 2nd rank puts a team of 6 * 3/45.
I'm already angry that your minimum rating is hidden, that all this has to be determined independently. And again, it will have to somehow shuffle teams from 17 champions of 5 * 1 rank, so as not to hit against difficult opponents.
It happened before when players were starting to get alot of 5/65's, and it's reasonable to assume we are seeing a shift again.
These "formulas" are not official and thus are never officially announced. We, the players figure them out, and as the game progresses with higher ranked champions, the minimum goes up. It's trial and error on our part.
Is it really impossible to display this number on the character selection screen? Is it so complicated technically?
How much would this simplify the life of the players. Especially for those who are just starting to play the game.
Many would stop asking how to play in such an arena
I run my R1 5* to streak 7. Then from there I only run my R4 and R5 5* and my 6*. Nothing has changed for me. I was expecting to face R3 6*, but I have yet to face one.
For 5 * champions they give twice as many points as for 4 *, but the rollback takes 7 hours. This is a lot, I would not want to miss them.
An example of what I suggested
From 4 * arenas, i usually took stages.
The reason why some people get away with going lower and others don't is because I think in general most arena grinders have a system for how they go through their roster (like top to bottom, or some other method), and their roster doesn't change constantly below a certain rank (because rank ups tend to be focused on higher champs). As a result, two different players could use the same "rules" and one would draw death matches while the other one wouldn't, because those rules resolve to different team compositions consistently for those two players.
If you're giving recommendations to other players, it is dangerous to tell them the best (lowest) combination that consistently works for just you. You have to either factor in other players' reports, or deliberately mix up your own roster choices as you progress through your streak to see if all possible combinations of teams using those rules work.