Ghost to 5/65 or rank 2 6* Sunspot 🌞 ???

mOonligHtSonata7mOonligHtSonata7 Member Posts: 25 ★
Hi, should I rank 5 5* Ghost or rank 2 6* Sunspot (unduped) ???

Ghost to 5/65 or rank 2 6* Sunspot 🌞 ??? 26 votes

6* Sunspot to rank 2 (unduped)
AjisdopeRockypantherxMidnite93MiStaLovaBLACKMILKTEA_88TotalMonster109K3600lowlevelplayerIbby 9 votes
5* Ghost to rank 5
Jim0172Lvernon15biggreendongRasiloverStagedear85gauravtheslayerMoudouEyrarEtjamaAngusMac279dot_dittoSeraphionPeaRatThicco_ModeWallison099BonzodavidCaptainRogers33 17 votes


  • AjisdopeAjisdope Member Posts: 969 ★★★
    6* Sunspot to rank 2 (unduped)
    Tough choice! I was in the same position as you. Depends on how good you are with Ghost. I chose Sunspot, personally.
  • mOonligHtSonata7mOonligHtSonata7 Member Posts: 25 ★
    How good 6* Sunspot in rank 2? 🤔
    Ajisdope said:

    Tough choice! I was in the same position as you. Depends on how good you are with Ghost. I chose Sunspot, personally.

  • ADogADog Member Posts: 16 ★
  • AjisdopeAjisdope Member Posts: 969 ★★★
    6* Sunspot to rank 2 (unduped)

    How good 6* Sunspot in rank 2? 🤔

    Ajisdope said:

    Tough choice! I was in the same position as you. Depends on how good you are with Ghost. I chose Sunspot, personally.

    His damage is awesome. Parry/heavy a few times, throw an sp2 and game over. So far, I have seen over 50k damage on sp2 personally. I know others have done more though.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    5* Ghost to rank 5
    Always ghost. She is the best or 2nd best champ after quake.
    If you can play her ofc
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