Gwenpool's s1 too powerful? (Not really, but take a look!)
So here I am grinding my heart out for dormamu and trying to end fights as quickly as possible. This fight was no different, Cap was just about bled out when just for good measure I hit my Gwenpools s1 attack to finish him off. As he bleeds out in the middle of the animation the KO pops up but Gwen isn't done yet! The glass shatters and explodes like it does on this map and then as she squeezes the trigger to finish her S1 attack... WAM she full on shoots Cap over the barrier tumbling off the map all together. I laughed so hard I didn't think to take a screen shot till it was to late to catch Cap rolling out of the map to his doom! But I did capture him completely removed from the picture. Take a look! I just thought it was funny. And maybe you might too! I am not posting this for the game team to look into or anything just an entertaining bug that I've never came across. Maybe the game team can make this happen more often? Who knows. But for your possible entertainment take a look!![w7swc2rv60zb.png](
Just experienced weird things too, i guess that's normal as we're about to update to 15.0 patch in few days lol