Skip Fight Option

After having 10k+ rating champions, going back and exploring old acts is just a waste of time since we are quite able to one shot every single one of them. Instead, there should be a skip fight option so we can select a line let the game automatically finish the line and boom chapter explored. I am not talking about Auto-fight stuff, we should be able to clear those lines instantly.

This is required in the game because players are getting bored of the game since the maps are extremely long and devestating, not every people have time to play this game 8 hours a day or more.

Almost every mobile game have this kind of option I don't know why we are still being forced to do all these acts by hand.


  • PsyLifePsyLife Member Posts: 399 ★★
    It should work where you autofight each one, but you don’t see the replay, and it goes until you die.
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 810 ★★★
    Auto-fight was a good idea. The problem is that the player must remain on the phone to tap on the next point. I would prefer to let IA do everything (including to chose only the unexplored paths), or all or the major part of the map in one tap without seing the fights.
  • JagtittarJagtittar Member Posts: 18

    Auto-fight was a good idea. The problem is that the player must remain on the phone to tap on the next point. I would prefer to let IA do everything (including to chose only the unexplored paths), or all or the major part of the map in one tap without seing the fights.

    Or we can choose the path by clicking on the specific champions on the line that we want to move on.

    and also autofight can be an instant feature, if balanced correctly it would save time for extremely easy fights
  • PsyLifePsyLife Member Posts: 399 ★★
    It might crash the game though, as you can’t simulate an entire fight so quickly, especially when many other people are also doing it.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    We need to setup auto fight paths
  • CaptainPollCaptainPoll Member Posts: 901 ★★★
    I won't let this thread die untill unless their is a reply from admin
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