A couple of questions about ban

NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
edited March 2020 in General Discussion
I am not here to complain about being banned, I am not banned.
Just a couple of questions.

1- the method you use to determine that someone has cheated, is it 100% error proof?
2- why the people who gets banned dont get explainations on why they got banned?
3- why dont you send a warning, to the leader of an ally, about having banned someone?

I'm just worried a bit. I have been playing online games for over 15 years, and, never cheated or used any kind of things to get advantage, only skills.
I understand that, by the ToS, you can do whatever you want when you suspect cheating, but, imo, the players who get banned should know why. It's a simple rule of justice. You cant send someone in prison without telling him why.

And, please, dont close this thread by saying, that you cant discuss banning on forum.


  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Odds are if someone has been banned, they know exactly why they have been banned.
  • ChubsWhiteChubsWhite Member Posts: 493 ★★★

    1. They won't explain it and they don't have to. They are rarely wrong on this, no matter how hard players complain/cry.
    2. If players get banned then I'm 100% sure they know why they are banned.
    3. Not Kabam's responsibility. Maybe instead players should give a warning to their alliance leaders that they're using mods?

    Why would it worry you if you're clearly playing this game fairly? Unless you have and you're just waiting for the hammer ban to fall on you. I've been playing legitimately since day one and every time a new ban wave comes I don't have a worry in the world and just read the forums with a smile on my face.

    Oh yeah, because someone who is modding is just gone come clean to the alliance... "good morning my wonderful, umm I use mods, have a great day"

    Also, I was once banned because I got a new phone, but was still logged in on my old phone. I got it overturned, but that shows me the system isn't 100% without fault
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  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★

    I'm not complaining because I exactly know what was the reason but I don't think whatever they used can be 100% precise and correct so a short notification with the reason should be manageable 🤷‍♂️

    and the possibility to change account without havening to delete the game + access to to ingame link for the ticket system should also be added even when banned

    U can contact tech support from outside the game. If someone is banned it's against the T.O.S. to create a second account to get around the ban.
  • DjinDjin Member Posts: 1,962 ★★★★★
    For past few months they have been sending warning messages in the game mail.
    In the message it was clearly mentioned what things are against the TOS.
  • Smokely7Smokely7 Member Posts: 175 ★★
    I actually appreciate the original post. I was banned very early (as I started a second account) and was doing really well in the initial arenas. They then banned me a month from arenas which was very unfair and prevented me from obtaining very strong champs (blade, cap iw). Goes back to another topic that bots are sometimes created by developer to increase income. They wanted me paying to progress and robbed me of earned rewards. No explanation ever given. Don't think I'll ever get redemption for that, but got justice by becoming basically f2p. Their loss
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    edited March 2020
    The terms of service and various reminders sent in game and notices here on the forums explain things that are against the rules and can result in actions on accounts, such as using third party software, account sharing or payment fraud. We won't go into details about how exactly cheating is detected as that just invites the cheaters to attempt to find ways around it. We also cannot provide information to third parties or send notices to Alliance leaders about suspended members for account security reasons.

    Please know that we do not suspend accounts with out ample evidence so anyone who is abiding by the rules of the ToS should not worry. But if you have specific account questions, it's best to ask support via a ticket.
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