Who else thinks this is hard on their eyes?

MaximusIIMaximusII Member Posts: 15
I think the colors for rank-ups should be different and not blue and ...blue. Can this be changed dear kabam?

Who else thinks this is hard on their eyes? 59 votes

BigPoppaCBONEBigMoDrZolaPsychoakumamegamangWardenclockCat_MurdockKnorr7227StingerbkSpiderCoolskikiFurieuxspiderknight616Repto23Wicket329Blubfish_666Moosetiptronic10or_StrongSociopathhope4tgAR48 39 votes
PantherusNZNanoDroidFoxhero007ezgoingspaceoctopusNysseRockypantherxNeotwismX_Factor_AgentẞlооdTotalMonster109Arondightdpatel21CSCHENONE 14 votes
TheBestinTuakaulowlevelplayer 2 votes
Ask Kabam if they can change this
SnizzbarNojokejaymDaphboyKaratemike415 4 votes


  • hope4tghope4tg Member Posts: 149
    Yep, it is not distinguishable enough from a fully available rank up indicator. I wish we got a switch to enable or disable this. I think the new information it gives you when you click on a champion is a great feature and enough, I don't feel the need of a dynamically filling small blue rank up arrow.
  • DjinDjin Member Posts: 1,962 ★★★★★
    edited March 2020
    It is so difficult to tell which champ can be ranked up and which can't be.
    Please change it.
    Or atleast change the colour of the upward arrow for those who can be ranked up to next rank. I mean when the blue part fills up, the white arrow changes to green or something else.
    Remove the glow effect also.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    I would say instead have grey filling up for progress and blue once a rankup is available.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    Ask Kabam if they can change this
    Also the filter should have a setting for champs you can rank right now
  • Sean_WhoSean_Who Member Posts: 618 ★★★
    Makes no sense that they changed this. Icon should not appear until rank up is available... Was nothing wrong with the old UI
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