
Happy to know that kabam is introducing boss rush event....but there is an a level 40 player it's a bit tough to defete 30k_40k opponents...couse commonly level 40 player have5k or 6k champ rating....I am so excited about upcoming event....but a bit confused about completing this boss rush event...hope this time it will be a bit easier....thankyou
still if they make it for different difficulties [master, epic, cav] it will be so great
6k PI vs 159k PI.
2.7k vs 39k
Your argument is invalid.
A large part of the game is the chase, and you can either enjoy the chase, or you can decide not to participate in the chase. But the chase is not a necessary evil the game can minimize, it is a core part of the game that players should expect to see most of the time.
I often wonder if the people who "brag" about how easy something is that is obviously difficult really understand that in promoting their high skills they are also advertising their poor judgment. And why anyone would trade the one for the other.
You'll get there, but you need a little patience and practice. At least that's what I needed.
But I also think there is a body of specific tactical skills beyond the generic guard/turn/parry/dodge/spin/thrust that takes time to build up that turn specific situations from super hard to something almost easy. For example, Bane is a nightmare for beginners and players who don't have experience with it. But for an experienced player, Bane can actually become a weapon. When I defeated the Collector in my second account with a very underpowered roster, I used Bane *against* the Collector rather than have it used against me: it actually made the fight easier than if it wasn't there at all. I did way more with way less than the first time I had to face him in my main account.
Once you know things like that, you can forget you know them because it comes naturally. And you can forget what that kind of content looks like to someone that doesn't have the muscle memory and the tactical groove carved into their brain that they can simply fall into and use.
The goal of a good designer, in my opinion, is not to beat the players. It is to give them the feeling that they beat the designer. It has to be hard or the win feels cheap, and so some players will lose. But the goal is to create the best possible feeling of victory when they win. At least, that's how I see it.
I had an advantage in that when the community boss rush was designed IW was a very new champ. In fact, almost no one had her when I initially designed it, a few month before it was released. Today, a lot more people have experience fighting her. The same fight design today would probably be too easy. If the leaks are correct, the fight I'm most worried about is probably Wasp, since there's all sorts of nastiness you can combine evasion with. I'm also wondering if someone will decide to combine nullify immunity with Medusa. But the wild card might be Claire Voyant. Her funky set of abilities could make her an interesting fight, or it could make her relatively easy to overpower like Taskmaster was.
One of the pieces of feedback I gave the devs during the process is to continue to invite community members to participate in a program like this, and I hope the IWD Boss Rush is a continuation of that process. I think it is good for the game, and it is good for the players. And I suspect virtually everyone who participates in something like this gains additional appreciation for the work that goes into trying to make content that a wide range of players is going to like.
But, there are so many times in this game I have thought "OMFG this is impossible and I don't understand how anyone is able to beat it" then I try again in a month or two and I'm like "LMAO, this is the thing I had so much trouble with before???" I'm hoping this will be the case soon with Lines in the Sand lol.
Hell, even in this month's Epic Mole Man Expedition, my first time through it took me a team revive and a buncha potions just to beat Mole Man, and my last time through I one shot him only losing like 25% health.
No content is "too" hard, you (and I) are just not ready for it yet.
Well, actually, that goes for all the events.
It is so annoying that just because your RNG isn't as good as someone's else, you suffer, and they breeze through it.
This is why all nodes & big challenges shouldn't limit what you use. Prime example is limiting robots, and if all you have is robots, you are screwed.
Then it just turns into a unitman champ you need to use.