5 Players Looking for AQ Map 4/5 and AW Silver/Gold Alliance - Chill but Active

Who We Are:
We are used to running maps 4 and 5, were Gold 3, but unfortunately have decided to disband our alliance after losing long term members and struggling to rebuild with active players. We are used to path calling and defender diversity in AW. We have no problems finishing our lanes. We are all uncollected, working towards 100% Act 5, and can complete UC EQ. We're a friendly group, love to communicate strategy, and willing to learn the game and work with you. In short, we're looking for a long-term commitment where we can grow.Who We Are Looking For:
We're looking for an adult alliance that does min 90m in AQ. We don't really care about AW tier, but would prefer an alliance that does 3 BG's and is trying to improve. We'd like an alliance that communicates well via LINE, possibly with separate groups for AW and/or AQ. We are located in the US, UK, and Asia so we're hoping to find a global alliance, but it isn't necessary if there isn't time zone restrictions.Contact:
LINE: spino0o (s-p-i-n-o-zero-o)Thank you.