If those characters are becoming too oppressive just do what you did with blade add more defensive champs who punish crits, it’s not great but at least it’s not a direct nerf and still leaves the champions at the top, just not as oppressive
If those characters are becoming too oppressive just do what you did with blade add more defensive champs who punish crits, it’s not great but at least it’s not a direct nerf and still leaves the champions at the top, just not as oppressive
Tbh I think these champs are fine. Ghost requires quite a bit of skill to play (at least some say, I found her fairly straightforward) and Aegon requires a lot of ramp up before he’s amazing
I asked about this in a previous thread.. so far the response has been that it's fake.. also prof hoff made a vid about.. although to be honest.. with prof saying it's fake.. it has me thinking it's most likely accurate.. that guy for some reason seems to get things wrong more often than not..
This is really worrying. If they nerf either them I'm done. They're old champs, have Aegon at r5 max Sig, ghost was going to be my next r5 and she's close to max Sig.
This has gotten to be beyond a joke now. As someone who spends very often I will no longer be doing so. You can't keep doing this, the player base will no longer trust you. Congrats on ruining your game
I asked about this in a previous thread.. so far the response has been that it's fake.. also prof hoff made a vid about.. although to be honest.. with prof saying it's fake.. it has me thinking it's most likely accurate.. that guy for some reason seems to get things wrong more often than not..
If those characters are becoming too oppressive just do what you did with blade add more defensive champs who punish crits, it’s not great but at least it’s not a direct nerf and still leaves the champions at the top, just not as oppressive
Tbh I think these champs are fine. Ghost requires quite a bit of skill to play (at least some say, I found her fairly straightforward) and Aegon requires a lot of ramp up before he’s amazing
Yeah, ghost is balanced by a high skill cap, like quake, and aegon is only the best option in lol and aol. A nerf to ghost especially would put me the closest I’d ever been to quitting, I hope kabam know there will be uproar if they decide to nerf older champs with 0 notice of it when we pulled them
I asked about this in a previous thread.. so far the response has been that it's fake.. also prof hoff made a vid about.. although to be honest.. with prof saying it's fake.. it has me thinking it's most likely accurate.. that guy for some reason seems to get things wrong more often than not..
Thank god, I couldn’t find it either, with over 100 retweets as well I’d imagine it’s hard to miss, so unless they accidentally posted it and deleted it it’s hopefully fake
I asked about this in a previous thread.. so far the response has been that it's fake.. also prof hoff made a vid about.. although to be honest.. with prof saying it's fake.. it has me thinking it's most likely accurate.. that guy for some reason seems to get things wrong more often than not..
Can’t find the tweet anywhere on their twitter so I’m assuming it’s fake. Thank god lol
If you post a tweet, is it possible to remove it? Or once you post it , it’s there for good? I don’t use twitter so am not familiar with it. I know on the kabam forums once you post it you can’t remove it.. only a forum mod is able to.
I asked about this in a previous thread.. so far the response has been that it's fake.. also prof hoff made a vid about.. although to be honest.. with prof saying it's fake.. it has me thinking it's most likely accurate.. that guy for some reason seems to get things wrong more often than not..
Can’t find the tweet anywhere on their twitter so I’m assuming it’s fake. Thank god lol
If you post a tweet, is it possible to remove it? Or once you post it , it’s there for good? I don’t use twitter so am not familiar with it. I know on the kabam forums once you post it you can’t remove it.. only a forum mod is able to.
No idea, I don't use Twitter either. It's a screen shot of something I was shown by someone else. Could very well be fake.
Yea.. who knows.. one thing for sure is this company isn’t trustworthy.. could be fake.. but also reminds me of when the weapon x champion was viewable in game for a day then removed without any acknowledgment ... could see this being a similar situation.
Guys, you don’t need to be Columbo for this. Go to their Twitter feed. Is the tweet there? If it is, it’s probably true. If it isn’t, it’s probably fake.
Spoiler; it’s not there. It’s fake. And yes, you can delete tweets. But if it was real, there’s no reason to delete it.
It's kind of worrying that people are so easily deceived by this. I mean it literally takes 15 seconds to go on twitter and check for yourself. Literally.
This has gotten to be beyond a joke now. As someone who spends very often I will no longer be doing so. You can't keep doing this, the player base will no longer trust you. Congrats on ruining your game
If its not truly posted there, then most likely is fake
It's a screen shot of something I was shown by someone else. Could very well be fake.
Spoiler; it’s not there. It’s fake. And yes, you can delete tweets. But if it was real, there’s no reason to delete it.