suggestion for war defense placement and war map thoughts

I think players would have a lot of fun with war variants and new capabilities....
In my opinion it would be awesome to be able to pick where nodes and links are placed during defense setup. this would add a new challenge to the war aspect of the game...
allowing us to set up ambush champs on the map would be another small tweak we might all enjoy
Alliances might benefit from being able to reserve spots for members during AW as well as AQ....
It would benefit us all if we were given a chance to re-select our defense team for those accidental actions that happen....
i think giving the players the ability to select different war maps to battle on.... this is a multiverse right? why not allow players to choose their battle zones.... this would add variety and color to the war sector of the contest... lets face it the same map becomes lifeless after awhile so why not throw us the classic map from when war was implemented. the veterans would love that i am sure... the format for it is already available with the changes to AQ so the same mechanics from AQ map selection screen can be integrated into war as well then during matchmaking we can select the classic or new maps to find battles in....
In my opinion it would be awesome to be able to pick where nodes and links are placed during defense setup. this would add a new challenge to the war aspect of the game...
allowing us to set up ambush champs on the map would be another small tweak we might all enjoy
Alliances might benefit from being able to reserve spots for members during AW as well as AQ....
It would benefit us all if we were given a chance to re-select our defense team for those accidental actions that happen....
i think giving the players the ability to select different war maps to battle on.... this is a multiverse right? why not allow players to choose their battle zones.... this would add variety and color to the war sector of the contest... lets face it the same map becomes lifeless after awhile so why not throw us the classic map from when war was implemented. the veterans would love that i am sure... the format for it is already available with the changes to AQ so the same mechanics from AQ map selection screen can be integrated into war as well then during matchmaking we can select the classic or new maps to find battles in....