Magik on immunity - Advise

Heya, so yea, I know from time to time, I've been constantly saying that there are counters against Magik.
But there is one kind of Magik which I can never counter: The one on the miniboss immunity. And not just any ol' Magik, we are talking about a MD 5 Magik that is a 5* R4.
Any counters? Magik cannot counter because she can't power lock, Gwenpool cannot counter because you cannot reach 50 hits before getting killed by Limbo, even with intercepts and blocking, anyone else relying on detrimental effects can't because immunity. So anyone got any solution other than spending units and potions?
But there is one kind of Magik which I can never counter: The one on the miniboss immunity. And not just any ol' Magik, we are talking about a MD 5 Magik that is a 5* R4.
Any counters? Magik cannot counter because she can't power lock, Gwenpool cannot counter because you cannot reach 50 hits before getting killed by Limbo, even with intercepts and blocking, anyone else relying on detrimental effects can't because immunity. So anyone got any solution other than spending units and potions?
Oh yea...that could work. Nice answer, I actually have a 4* Voodoo come to think of it, but stuck at R4. I'll R5 him when I get the mystic catalysts needed.
Hmm, I don't think Mordo's energy resistance while blocking actually reduces limbo damage, I think Kabam said that it only works for energy based attacks, like Magneto and Dr Strange.
Never tried beast, though he is unduped. Don't have a Psylocke too. I'll try checking both their abilities out when possible.
But Dormammu, I have a Sig 1 Dormammu, and personally, I like fighting with him and agree he can potentially keep Magik at low power. I'll probably still go with DV though, since he is much better in offense than Dormammu. Thanks for the answer!
Duped mordo reduces limbo damage while blocking. DV also to some extent. Because limbo counts as energy damage and these champs have resistance to it while blocking
Yeah you don't need Beast to be awakened but it would help a bit. I quite like him, it's a very noticeable reduction. I think I remember miike mentioning that mordo will reduce limbo since it's when blocking not when attacked. That was a while back when he was first released I believe. I haven't tried it myself though since mine isn't awakened, but if you have him it might be worth giving it a go. Think you might be referring to ultron when it's energy attacks only.
Oh, really? I'm actually not sure since I don't own a Mordo. Has it been tested and confirmed?
See for yourself
Not to mention the most expensive hehe.
But yea, he might work since he has synthesis, but his specials give the enemy power for a microsecond before power draining, meaning he could trigger limbo more often than you think.
No that wouldn't work, i tried vodo on immunity path in aq and his power burn buff doesn't work cuz they r immune of power burn, though tried with vision and they weren't immune of power burn on specials
since you already 1 bar ahead plus synthesis during the fight, use sp1 when she has half or two third of a bar is possible
DV isn't in the slightest, his energy resistance doesn't work, the reason given by Miike was that his wasn't part of his dupe ability, so it wasn't as strong/as versitile as Mordos.
Magik, Dormammu, etc., are absolutely useless for this fight, power drain now counts as a debuff, so the immunity node is unaffected by it.
(I don't know about power burn exactly, but I assume it will also count as a debuff)
Beast in arcrobatic mode seems to be very good for it, since reducing power gain isn't a debuff.
Punisher 2099 is also good at reducing the power gain
and when those 5 furies end and Magik has MD 5?
Yea but he'll feed md, wouldn't be a good idea..
Check his name.
Yea I saw, but in all honesty, I don't want to start assuming that someone's comment is a "troll" just because their name has that word. :P