
SuperGoodSuperGood Member Posts: 128
I pulled a 5* Ghost. I don’t have Wasp and my team is fairly developed (currently Cavalier). I don’t want to put the energy and resources into her and her synergies. On top of that I don’t run suicides and I don’t plan on it in the future. Should I put the time, energy, and resources into her because she is apparently the


  • nfernonferno Member Posts: 92

    Ghost with her holy trinity synergy (wasp & ant man) is heavenly.

    Without it, she’s still bad ass. She just loses the unblockable on specials (wasp) and even more increased attack for every fury and cruelty buff (ant).

    Being duped is a bonus but not necessary to make her useful.
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★
    She doesn’t need synergies but if you don’t use the synergies she requires a very high skill level. Essentially you’ll need to learn how to use her specials without wasp which requires a lot of timing knowledge. I’d R5 her no matter what but just letting you know that she may not be the champ for you.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    I use ghost all the time and I don’t not use her synergy and I do not run suicides. If you can learn to play her she is well worth the investment even without those items.

    Many can’t get her down though and also those who do struggle to play her without the synergy so I would make sure you can and like her play style before investing. Multiple people on my alliance ranked her and then either couldn’t learn to use her or didn’t like it.

    I personally found her play style easy. As long as you are a fairly calculated and coordinated player I think she is easy to learn.
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