Why push people so hard to become uncollected?

SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
edited March 2020 in General Discussion
KABAM has made many changes to the rewards that Uncollected players receive vs those who are not uncollected. Has KABAM ever given a real reason why they are pushing people so hard to become uncollected and treating everyone else like they don't matter? Why do YOU think they are pushing uncollected so hard? I remember them saying they want us all to become uncollected so that we can enjoy the benefit of all the great rewards but I find it hard to believe that is the case. Why wouldn't they just let everyone progress at their own pace? Why are they punishing people for not having this title that anyone can win with enough units? I think it's just a money grab because they know that anybody can beat just about anything with enough units, and most people will need a ton of units and will likely spend money to get those units because grinding for and saving units is hard. I know, "if anybody can do it why don't you just do it and stop complaining?" Right? Well, I have tried and failed and haven't been able to stack enough units to finish lately. I'm stuck on 5.2.3. Hopefully I will be done soon.

Some of my alliance members who are uncollected don't think that the rewards that you get from being uncollected are even worth the effort that it takes to become uncollected but I disagree. In my opinion Uncollected players get insane rewards compared to those who are not uncollected yet. They are racking up 6 star shards, and 6 star champions from grandmaster crystals while I keep duping my 5 star Kamala Khan, 4 star Psylocke, and getting nothing but 2 star Gamoras from PHCs. They get the only rewards that are worthwhile in the BLACK-ISO-MARKET. I used to get 5 star shards from the monthly login calendar but now only uncollected players do. I could go on and on. It seems as though Kabam is pushing very hard for all players to become uncollected. I do not think that it is fair. Just my opinion which I'm sure many of you may disagree with. Yes, becoming uncollected is very hard for some and not hard at all for others. We could debate difficulty all day but in the end difficulty is relative to skill level and its a matter of percentile. I'm sure that a large percentile of players find it difficult. There is a certain level of skill that you either have or you don't have (some can learn it) where you are able to dex all attacks including specials and projectiles. I do not have this skill level. I lack a consistent level of focus I guess because sometimes I play like I am in the Matrix but not often. I am a decent player but I get by mostly on knowledge of my roster and raw determination.

So, why do YOU think they are pushing so hard for people to become uncollected? Do you think that the changes made to rewards are fair? If you ARE uncollected how difficult did you find it? Did you spend units? Who did you use? Do you think the rewards are worth the effort? Those of you who are not uncollected, do you feel like you are being treated unfairly? Can anyone come up with a reason why they are pushing this so hard besides the obvious theory that it's a money grab or the unlikely theory that KABAM is doing it for our own benefit because they want to MAKE SUMMONERS GREAT AGAIN? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

If you are one of these people who like to complain about people complaining please move on, lol. Just looking for different insights and opinions on one of the most important fights and titles in the game. Thanks fellow summoners.



  • PsyLifePsyLife Member Posts: 399 ★★
    edited March 2020
    They arguably did not do conqueror well at all. You can defeat Thanos without much skill. I oneshotted him with a rank 2 four star, after playing for like three months. But the rewards are the same from then to when you complete uncollected. There is such a massive gap of players in proven to conqueror, and to get better rewards, you need uncollected.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,263 ★★★★★
    Ordalca said:

    I created a new account at the start of december to take advantage of the gifting event. This new account is completely f2p, paying back as many units as were gifted to it. I became uncollected on that account in mid January, after 45 days of play, using a 4r5 Thing I'd awakened with the Christmas awakening gem and a 3* heimdall and champion. I spent about 600 units on clearing chapter 5.2, about 200 of which were on the Collector. All of those units were from arena and quest completions.

    The game has come a long way since Uncollected was introduced. My account is nowhere near strong enough for exploring Uncollected difficulty cheaply, but it has been able to clear it each month with a 5r3 warlock as the strongest 5* and an increasing variety of 4* at r5. I likely won't reach elder's bane or cavalier any time soon, but getting past the Collector ONCE is not as hard as you might think.

    Completely agree. I created an account for Christmas gifting. Completed act 4 with unduped r4 Medusa. Got a 4* corvus soon after. Used the resources to r5 corvus and killed collector using only 4-5 L1 revives. No units spent except maybe refills here and there. Also, used the free energy here and there to explore act 4.
  • CaptainPollCaptainPoll Member Posts: 901 ★★★
    For me it's the glory(pride) and calender upgrade and crystal upgrade and uc event unlocking
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★

    Some of my alliance members who are uncollected don't think that the rewards that you get from being uncollected are even worth the effort that it takes to become uncollected but I disagree. In my opinion Uncollected players get insane rewards compared to those who are not uncollected yet. They are racking up 6 star shards, and 6 star champions from grandmaster crystals while I keep duping my 5 star Kamala Khan, 4 star Psylocke, and getting nothing but 2 star Gamoras from PHCs.


    I think you are mistaken. You stated that your alliance mates that are UC are getting 6* champs from grandmaster crystals. Grandmaster crystals do not have 6* champs. Cavalier crystals have a small chance at a 6* champ but u have to be cavalier in order to get them.

    Nobody if forcing you to become Uncollected. The game does have many perks for uncollected players though. There are also a large amount of UC players who feel the game is pushing them towards cavalier status. That's just how the game works. It's just like climbing a ladder. Each step you take gets you closer and closer to the top. You can stop and stay at any step you want, but other players will continue to pass u and climb that ladder around you.
  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
    Man... uncollected is so easy... you are just looking to complain
  • Lucifer1810Lucifer1810 Member Posts: 366 ★★★
    I get what you are trying to say. (I am stuck in 5.2.4 rn almost 4 months into the game) Being conqueror is worth nothing. I would say being proven is like the beginning of the game. Being uncollected is what it is geared to. One might argue that higher the progression, higher the rewards but for the effort put into it I disagree. Getting uncollected is totally worth the rewards and where you actually start getting some real progression. That's why I am trying to get uncollected. Cavalier however, seems like a lot of effort and lot of rng play (only 5*s and 6*s act 6 bs) and not that worth, the only thing extra there is are cavalier crystals which have 3*s what a joke lol, good luck getting 6*s from that.
    I am just speaking reward wise, no disrespect meant. Uncollected has most rewards based on the difficulty to get it in the whole game.
    Ig they are introducing cavalier monthly eq soon so that progression point might be relevant soon.
  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    Kabam is pushing everyone to be Uncollected for one simple reason.


    In Kabam’s mind, all the good offers that people want, are only available to those that are Uncollected.
  • Mainer123Mainer123 Member Posts: 543 ★★
    Short answer. $$$
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  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,519 ★★★★
    Interesting post and responses.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    DNA3000 said:

    KABAM has made many changes to the rewards that Uncollected players receive vs those who are not uncollected. Has KABAM ever given a real reason why they are pushing people so hard to become uncollected and treating everyone else like they don't matter?

    Kabam has never given a reason why they are doing that, because they aren't doing that.

    Setting aside your characterization of the situation, Kabam has stated that "title progress" is the way progress in the game will work past the level cap. The game used to be about getting from level one to level 60, and then you're in the end game. Over time players began to think about the game and discuss game progress in terms of the one through 60 part of the game, and the "roster development" phase of the game, which overlapped. Players tried to get to the level cap, and they also tried to develop the strongest (and widest) possible roster. So once you were level 60, all that was left was how strong your 4* roster was, how maybe 4/55s you had, and eventually how many 5/65s (and rank2s) you had.

    Kabam decided that rather than extend the level cap above 60 (for various reasons I'm skipping over) they would in a sense go along with that roster-style progress idea and make progress above level 60 be based more on how far you had pushed into the higher level content. That's where Uncollected status came from. Today, in a very real sense there's the pre-Uncollected game dominated by leveling, and the post-Uncollected game dominated by content progress. Cavalier status was a continuation of that trend, and at some point in the future there will be another title representing the next "tier" of progress. Kabam also retroactively highlighted older progress titles to be part of the overall continuum.

    The fact is, Cavalier rewards are generally better than Uncollected rewards, and Uncollected rewards are better than all of the pre-Uncollected rewards. That's intentional, and that is to encourage people to continue to progress. That's no different than giving out mastery points for additional levels pre-UC, and no different from unlocking Cavalier crystals for Cavalier status above UC.

    Kabam is not pushing anyone "hard" to become Uncollected any more than they "push" people to level up past 40. If you do, the rewards are better. If you don't, you won't get those better rewards until you do. What you call "pushing" everyone else calls "incentivizing." And while you have this perception that Kabam treats lower tier players like "they don't matter" they've done a great job of continuing to improve the rewards for lower tier players. The calendar got better for lower tier players. The rewards in lower parts of the game have generally improved. Even changes like AQ rewards and glory offer a lot of benefits for lower progress players. Heck, the rewards that a solo player can get from AQ are better than what I used to get in a full alliance when AQ didn't have the glory store and only the very very top tier alliances could get things like T4CC catalysts.

    Whenever Kabam adds or improves rewards in the game, there are always people who say, in effect, that any improvement for some is a penalty for everyone else. That they are being punished if they aren't included. That's not a problem Kabam can solve, because frankly that's not a problem that exists except in their own minds. The game has to improve rewards for higher progress, and those rewards have to be meaningful enough that the players that aren't getting them actually desire them and want to pursue them. Some of those people will feel "forced" to get them. But that's really on them, not on the game.
    Lots of good points made I appreciate it. Despite the fact that you disagree with my characterization of the situation you kind of proved my point. You stated that they are using titles to gauge progression now (which makes sense since reaching level 60 is no real challenge and basically everyone has done it at this point) but as PsyLife said, there is a huge gap between the useless rewards you get from conqueror and the rewards you get from Uncollected. Also, based on your insight I would be willing to bet you are an experienced player and probably obtained uncollected some time ago so I understand why you find it hard to grasp how people are not yet uncollected are feeling pushed to become uncollected. Thanks for your comments.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    B00tblack said:

    I think the most likely answer is that Kabam has figured out that once players become Uncollected they are invested in the game. Better player retention. Therefore rewards geared towards that helps them to keep their client base at a healthy number. 🤷‍♂️

    Yeah, that's the way I feel. I was wondering if anyone had any other conspiracy theories, lol.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293

    The title sounded ridiculous enough.

    Thank you for your contribution to the community. Bless you.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293

    Did anyone bother to actually read all of that.....boring.....
    It’s called incentive to progress get better or go home crying. Oh and yes it is a business that employees people who need to house a feed themselves and their families so yes they do like to make money.

    Reading is hard, right? It's okay, you can go back to coloring now.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    Successful post. Some agreed, some disagreed, most made valid points, and only 1 or 2 predictable simpletons who had nothing valid to contribute who took time out of their day to say someone who was looking for opinions was crying or that it was too long for them to read, LOL. Thank you forums community.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    Ya_Boi_28 said:

    It isn't that hard. Have you looked at uncollected guides? Your roster will improve over time and you'll eventually become uncollected. Don't worry about six stars. 5 stars aren't necessary either. Try to build a solid team of r5 4stars and hoard items.
    And for the record, you can't get six stars from GMC's.

    Yeah, I know I'll get it in time. Like I said, if you don't have skill there's nothing that can't be completed with enough units. Lol. I may have been mistaken on the crystal, may be thinking of cavalier but I know some of my members have pulled 6 stars. Thanks for your comments.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293

    Right? Why would anyone want to progress in a progression based game, right?

    Obviously everyone wants to progress. Maybe you lack reading comprehension skills.
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293

    Man... uncollected is so easy... you are just looking to complain

    LOL. Obviously. :D
  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293
    edited March 2020
    Prathap said:

    Why do you worry so much on what others are getting... Just focus on your pace and be there when you can...

    I wouldn't say worried so much as AWARE. I just think Kabam did a bad job with the difference in rewards from conqueror to uncollected (and the calendar) and I was wondering if anyone had any theories as to why they made the changes they made besides the obvious answer of MONEY, lol. I know, if you want the good rewards you have to put the work in. I'm not on here complaining or looking for a handout, just opinions and theories, and seeing if people in my situation feel like I do. They do. And as I suspected most of the people who are uncollected already just think I like to complain, lol. Thanks for your time summoner.
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,194 ★★★★★
    The difference between the rewards of being a Conqueror compared to that of an Uncollected is what pushes me to go and prepare for it. I like the challenge. If the rewards are evened-out I don't think I'll be pushing myself to do it and I'll just do it at a way slower phase.
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    edited March 2020
    Any successful endeavor... be it a game, business,
    or life itself.. not only thrives, but essentially supports its very existence through the engine of progress. You are moving, or you are dying. So it has always been. This is the fundamental catalyst for all of human desire. Thus, for this game to exist it must also capitalize on this, otherwise it ceases to have purpose.

    Also, those who run the game need to get paid. It’s fairly simple.
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