Map 5x5 merger.

We are looking for a merger. We run map 5x5. We have 15 members ready to merge. We just lost 15 guys today to go to map 6 t4 weekly alliance. We are all experience with map 6 but want to run map 5. our core 15 guys staying have played together for almost 2 years. Our prestige is around 4750. Our war rating is 1800-1900. Let me know if you are interested.
Almost everyone in our group has finished rol, the collector, rtl, LoL (some have ran through it once)
We don't spend in aw unless we think we can win, and we focus on aq so 5x5 is always gonna be finished with 100%
We placed 600 last aq. We hit all events except arena. Donations weekly.
Contact me on here, line, or in game. My line name is bossbui00
Almost everyone in our group has finished rol, the collector, rtl, LoL (some have ran through it once)
We don't spend in aw unless we think we can win, and we focus on aq so 5x5 is always gonna be finished with 100%
We placed 600 last aq. We hit all events except arena. Donations weekly.
Contact me on here, line, or in game. My line name is bossbui00
This is with only running map 5
My in game is brim3d, my line id is brimbot187