BEST Counters vs SIPHON/#VILLAIN Defense Tactic???

HELP, last couple AWs we've faced tons of #VILLAIN defenders w/SIPHON #D.Bag Tactic. Many of our allies are F2Play so they don't have every champ @5/65, 6* 2/35, etc like most whales or YTs. Some paths aren't a problem. Other champ/node combos are roadblocks & are seriously frustrating unless u out Rank, use lots of items/boosts or glory/units. We are semi-competitive in Tier 5 Challenger Map. Doctor Doom on #53 MiniB has been a nightmare. We face Siphon & Flow the most,...both suck. Would appreciate various champs/tactics that work effectively since each ally doesn't have every champ, resources or $$$?
P.S. Mods, not "spamming", Flow & Siphon are 2 very different DTs so they require specific champs/tactics.
If combined in 1 post, it could become very confusing.
Not talking about theorycrafting, but actual in game experience in AWar with good counters or even bad champs that don't work would help. Thanks
P.S. Mods, not "spamming", Flow & Siphon are 2 very different DTs so they require specific champs/tactics.
If combined in 1 post, it could become very confusing.
Not talking about theorycrafting, but actual in game experience in AWar with good counters or even bad champs that don't work would help. Thanks
@Kevo9513 thanks, but applies to majority of games. Ha Looking for various champs/tactics besides only being a Ninja. Lol
@Jestress think that's what @AKKKTEK meant & he's correct about random fast recovery & frame skip. True, Blade/GR are great, but not everyone has both or RUp. Any other options?
@TheSpicyKnight Yes, #53 200% P.Gain/Unblock Enhanced SP2. DocOc should work, but may be bugged. His passive p.drain/steal when awake is being removed. Might still be registering as "power lock" debuff instead which unstoppable could effect. Asked in post, but no clarification, still not sure?
- Quake (if played on her full evade style) will bypass this node and it's easy game - easy life.
- Ghost: you need a very skilled Ghost player using her + Wasp, Hood (just Hood if he knows how to use her without Wasp) and then you're golden; I've oneshotted Claire Voyant, Dormammu and Doom all 5/65 on boss island on nodes 48-50-53 just by letting them go to their sp3s, taking no dmg thanks to Hood and rinse and repeat.