BEST Counters vs SIPHON/#VILLAIN Defense Tactic???

KeepinItRealKeepinItReal Member Posts: 229
edited March 2020 in Strategy and Tips
HELP, last couple AWs we've faced tons of #VILLAIN defenders w/SIPHON #D.Bag Tactic. Many of our allies are F2Play so they don't have every champ @5/65, 6* 2/35, etc like most whales or YTs. Some paths aren't a problem. Other champ/node combos are roadblocks & are seriously frustrating unless u out Rank, use lots of items/boosts or glory/units. We are semi-competitive in Tier 5 Challenger Map. Doctor Doom on #53 MiniB has been a nightmare. We face Siphon & Flow the most,...both suck. Would appreciate various champs/tactics that work effectively since each ally doesn't have every champ, resources or $$$?

P.S. Mods, not "spamming", Flow & Siphon are 2 very different DTs so they require specific champs/tactics.
If combined in 1 post, it could become very confusing.

Not talking about theorycrafting, but actual in game experience in AWar with good counters or even bad champs that don't work would help. Thanks


  • Kevo9513Kevo9513 Member Posts: 356 ★★
    Dont block or get hit
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  • AKTEKAKTEK Member Posts: 316 ★★
    edited March 2020
    Kevo9513 said:

    Dont block or get hit

    this is not a solution.Most of times ai recovers so fast after heavy or special. Sometimes there is frame skip while intercepting.There is many more factors too.
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  • edited March 2020
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  • KeepinItRealKeepinItReal Member Posts: 229
    edited March 2020

    @Kevo9513 thanks, but applies to majority of games. Ha Looking for various champs/tactics besides only being a Ninja. Lol

    @Jestress think that's what @AKKKTEK meant & he's correct about random fast recovery & frame skip. True, Blade/GR are great, but not everyone has both or RUp. Any other options?

    @TheSpicyKnight Yes, #53 200% P.Gain/Unblock Enhanced SP2. DocOc should work, but may be bugged. His passive p.drain/steal when awake is being removed. Might still be registering as "power lock" debuff instead which unstoppable could effect. Asked in post, but no clarification, still not sure?
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Ghost and quake bypass the node
  • NightMonkeyNightMonkey Member Posts: 97 ★★
    Two best counters to Siphon are Quake and Ghost:
    - Quake (if played on her full evade style) will bypass this node and it's easy game - easy life.
    - Ghost: you need a very skilled Ghost player using her + Wasp, Hood (just Hood if he knows how to use her without Wasp) and then you're golden; I've oneshotted Claire Voyant, Dormammu and Doom all 5/65 on boss island on nodes 48-50-53 just by letting them go to their sp3s, taking no dmg thanks to Hood and rinse and repeat.
  • KeepinItRealKeepinItReal Member Posts: 229
    @Lvernon15 @NightMonkey thanks for sharing,...Ghost & Quake counter alot of content. Unfortunately most don't have Ghost or Quake & if they do, they haven't mastered their playstyles yet to be confident to bring in AW attack. Will let them know to practice. Lol Any other options u or alliance mates have used?
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