Maxed out 5 * Heroes duplicated

I recently opened a hard earned 5* crystal, and pulled a duplicate of an already awakened maxed out hero.
This earned me nothing toward the duped hero, and wasted a precious resource.
To enhance the game, I propose to either give 100 gray signature stones to any duplicate awakened hero, ( different tiers 5*,4*,3* would have different amounts), upon opening an already awakened maxed hero.
Or, allow another crystal try.
I think I speak for all players, in saying that the frustration we feel in working hard in this game to get fragments for gems, even buying or trading units for them, and then to have it wasted on an already awakened maxed hero, is most dissatisfying.
This earned me nothing toward the duped hero, and wasted a precious resource.
To enhance the game, I propose to either give 100 gray signature stones to any duplicate awakened hero, ( different tiers 5*,4*,3* would have different amounts), upon opening an already awakened maxed hero.
Or, allow another crystal try.
I think I speak for all players, in saying that the frustration we feel in working hard in this game to get fragments for gems, even buying or trading units for them, and then to have it wasted on an already awakened maxed hero, is most dissatisfying.
Maybe you’re not seeing that each type of MaxSig has its own separate version of MaxSig crystal in the Crystal Inventory screen.
Dup'ing a Max 3* vs Max 4* vs Max 5* each give a different MaxSig crystal that contain different shard versions based on which Star Rarity it was.
You proposed giving 100 generic sig stones. That’s just stupid.
You sound like you bought the account or spent a ton of money, since you were surprised this happened on a 5 star maxed champ, didn’t you ever dupe a max sig 3 or 4 star before you did a 5 star?
You’re asking for compensation.
You don’t know what’s in a max sig crystal.
At least the thread discussing dup'ing a Max 6* had a little bit of merit to it (since there is no such thing as 7* shards). But this one for dup'ing a 5*, you are still getting a lot for it.
Maybe it’s you that is a noob to common sense.
If everyone that has posted here is telling me I’m wrong, and I should have gotten 3,300 6* shards, well I’m telling you , I didn’t. And that’s fine, disagree . I’m done
Instead of trying to get assistance, I’ve gotten ridicule and accusations. All good.
And now , I’m done.
OK, now I see I probably added to confusion, when I said “different MaxSig Crystal based on RARITY”, oh my.
Kabam uses term RARITY to indicate STAR VERSION, 4* is more “rare” then 3*, 5* is more “rare” than 4*, and 6* is more “rare” than 5*.
It has NOTHING to do with how SCARCE (aka RARE) you think one champ is versus another, which indeed there IS NO DIFFERENCE in the Crystals between getting one champ versus another (unless a certain Champ Named Crystal is designed for a Feature Champ, and is stated in the Odds).
What I meant is dup'ing a 2* champ gets you a 2* MaxSig Crystal, which will typically result in another of the same amount of 3* shards (the next higher STAR shards) as what you got when you opened the 2* Max Dup Champ from it's Hero Crystal.
On, and on, up to when you Dup a 5* Max Champ, you get a 5* version of a MaxSig Crystal, which will typically give you another equivalent amount of 6* shards as what opening the 5* Crystal already gave you in the first place.
NOBODY up here ever said you should have gotten another 3600x 6* shards. You should have got 275x 6* shards from the initial opening of the Max Dup from 5* Hero Crystal, and then another 275x 6* shards when you later opened the 5* MaxSig Crystal.
Lastly, (caveat), “TYPICALLY” meaning that there is small odds of pulling either SigStones (I think) or the White Immortal IronFist, from a MaxSig Crystal instead of the extra amount of Shards. But if it “IS” shards, it will always be the same amount, not some random amount of Shards.
550 6* shards , to me is not worth hours completing Master quests just to get a few 5* shards; and then using my hard earned ( not bought) Units to get more, only to get a mere drop of 6* shards. Maybe I’m one of the few that feel this way. It’s enough for me to slow down my involvement . Anyway, thank you for your post.