is 5* Corvus Glaive outdated for 6.4?

As the title says I was wondering if Corvus Glaive has reached his limits with 6.4... I have a 5/65 CG and I feel it's tough to ramp him up in 6.4.1, it takes a while so you have these long intervals where you basically do no to little damage. What do you think? did you use him in your run?
Thanks in advance.
Dr. Zola
The latter half of Act 6 seems to lean heavily on matchup-specific matches. Where CG fits in that dynamic is what I’m trying to understand.
Dr. Zola
BTW if you do AQ Map6/7 then R5 corvus is still incredibly useful as well as for war. Duped Corvus is borderline unfair in AQ because you can cheese every fight.
Dr. Zola
I don’t run suicides so it was even worse for me.
The health pools are too large
That said, for 6.4.6 I put my ½ suicides on and boosted up and slapped on a power boost and he tore it up. With full suicides you’d have got away with smaller boosts too.
For the grandmaster he’s amazing, especially for that 1% as you’ve got extra insurance from his glaive immunity if, like me, you can’t quake.
Only Darkhawk
Dr. Zola
As much as 20 charges is a limitation, there are ways to maximize the 20 charges and after ramping him up for 1-2 fights, he’s pretty alright for harder content. Not to mention he heals pretty substantially from suicides.
That being said, CMM is a solid choice too. I’m waiting for a 6* one myself. Got the AG and T5C ready. 😂