Cavalier Daily Crystal is Worthless

I know I'm far from the first person to complain about these, but these are worthless. 99/100 times I'm pulling t4cc or t4bc shards, two resources that are essentially useless to a cavalier level player. I've already got 40+ t4cc crysals and 1700+ t4cc shard crystals just rotting in my crystal stash. Once in a blue moon I pull a 4* champ or some 5* shards or something, but for months I've pulled nothing but t4cc/t4bc shards. I'd love to see a shake up.
2. While lots of Cavalier players are overflowing in T4CC, that's only because they have lots of sources for it, not because they don't need lots of them. If Kabam eliminated every source of T4CC that people say is "worthless" Cav players would quickly run out of them. So I wouldn't be asking Kabam to eliminate a resource I use a lot of just because I currently earn even more of it than I usually burn.
Dr. Zola
I don't think you're ranking up as much as you say you are.
My stash is pretty decent from milestone grinding. 15-20 mil in gold. Despite that, I'd still gladly take every daily crystal I can get.
It all adds up. 😊👍
The stuff just adds up with map and glory crystals. Think I had about 500 t4c shard crystals and 20ish t4c crystals at one point.
I couldn't imagine having all THOSE resources in stash. 😅🙃😅