War Node 24 - Redoubled Determination 2

K00shMaanK00shMaan Member Posts: 1,289 ★★★★
I was fighting a Ghost on this node in war today and she was gaining massive amounts of power gain. I was using Ægon. I don't think I was applying any debuffs as I wasn't parrying. Does anyone know why? Is there a mastery that periodically places debuffs on yourself? I thought it was suicides at first but the power gains kept coming back even after they expired. Any insight would be appreciated.


  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Flow global.
  • K00shMaanK00shMaan Member Posts: 1,289 ★★★★
    That's it. I didn't notice cuz Ægon doesn't crit all that much for his first couple fights.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
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