Who should i focus ranking up for uncollected?
Hello guyz, i come again with some questions, i really want to become uncollected but it's still hard enought with my heroes.. i need some help to prepare my rooster, just dupped starky yesterday, should i max him out? And then continue act5? I just completed 5.1.4, and 5.1.5 i think i can do it but i'm in doubt with 5.2...
Thank you!
Champs who can be useful in 5.2 are:
Ghost + Wasp
Vodoo, Colossus AA & Mr. Fantastic
5.1.6 is rather tough compared to the previous chapters
If you can play ghost and quake well they will be pretty helpful. (Also wasp for ghost synergy)
Starky for collector.
Other good options are vtd gwenpool archangel.
And most importantly save units and focus on masteries first!
Good luck!!
Ghost and quake are arguably the best champs in the game and you have Wasp for Ghost so have easy access to unblockable specials (awesome if you’re struggling to manage bane timers).
VtD if you stack his buffs well becomes one of the most reliable regen champions in the game.
Hyperion is already R3 I’m guessing and I doubt you’re going to get the T2A to R4 him anytime soon but he’s well worth my of R5 when you get there in the future.
Your #1 priority should be working on your mastery set up. I’d recommend checking out Seatin’s F2P set up for a good starting point - your Hyperion and Guillotine should be at least 1k higher PI than they currently are. It’ll make a noticeable difference to your champs when you get that squared away.
Take the gwenpool to max rank
She will help you a lot