3* Human torch or 4* Hulk

Hi I just got my science iso-8 from the calendar: End of the rainbow.
Who should I level up:
Human Torch or Hulk
I appreciate everyones feedback! Thank you!
Who should I level up:
Human Torch or Hulk
I appreciate everyones feedback! Thank you!
I just had a chat about hulk... if duped with the right synergy .. heimdal, angela, she hulk... and the right mastery set up... to boost your fury duration and stupify to lengthen your stun duration.... you can stun lock your opponent for a few rounds....
Depends on your goals and what is composing your roster
I use Ægon, Havok, Archangel(Or Medusa), Hulk(right now), or Human Torch(I'm planning to).
I have no mastery for Hulk and none of the synergy.
I have no mastery for Human Torch but got Medusa for synergy