
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
  • LusterTShanzLusterTShanz Member Posts: 8
    Come join us! We're a really active alliance :)
  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,013 ★★★
    It's tempting. I've taken over an alliance and only five or six of us really perform so we don't get much done. Many times I've thought of leaving and finding an alliance more appropriate for my profile, but my kids are in the alliance.
  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,013 ★★★

    I'd really consider it if it was permanent, and more of my top champs were duped.
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    @RichiesDad79 ur profile looks good
  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,013 ★★★
    I wish there were at least a few more in my alliance that were similar to mine not trying to **** on the 7 or 8 that are pretty good and that participate in aws and aqs
    but I have a lot of peeps who seem to only be there to get the crystal and reap the rewards because many are given to all regardless of participation. But I'm at a loss as far as how to shape things up. I'm a very active player and I feel out of place.
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    @RichiesDad79 it took me a while to to get momentum... Once I took over this alliance we started doing well. Line or a form of communication helps a lot. And I have to say I'm lucky to have the team I have. My officers are GREAT and all of my new and old members are good too. A lot of them have been there with me even when it was rough... Now a days we have one or two we have to filter out or that has to leave because of work. My last to vacancies have been work related...they felt that they would not be there like they normally are so chose to vacate....
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    Hello everyone
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    Good morning all
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    Good morning all
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    Will have room for 2 after this war
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    @MasterTroller42 not sure but it was worth the effort a lot If these post where originals that I just reused . I do need two ppl and didn’t Think it would hurt anyone. Plus this is the recruitment page and that’s what I’m doing
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    Well they where all created at different times and like I said didn’t feel I was going to bother anyone by doing it. Just figure more publicity would get it noticed.
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    They where not all created at once ....
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    And if I could I would delete some of the older ones
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    Thanks you guys are awesome. Not sure how my post affect those who flagged them but thanks
  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,013 ★★★
    Who cares they don't have to look at it if they don't like it. Do whatever it takes to find your new crew members.
  • KingCrooksKingCrooks Member Posts: 176
    They're mad cuz u caught ppls attention in a unique way and they didn't think of it
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    @RichiesDad79 @KingCrooks thanks :) you guys rock
  • KocheeseKocheese Member Posts: 391 ★★
    How was it unique??? You can't help but to see it. Nothing unique about it. It's visually overboard. Also called spam

  • KingCrooksKingCrooks Member Posts: 176
    Read the forum rules. Says recruiting is cool. Says nothing about drawing ppls attention in potentially misleading ways. Oh no, I clicked on this and am dissatisfied. So don't read it.
  • KocheeseKocheese Member Posts: 391 ★★
    Your right king :) thanks for flagging. And it wasn't misleading. GL to him
  • KingCrooksKingCrooks Member Posts: 176
    @KingCrooks tks for flagging all my comments bud, what r u butthurt?

    Wasn't me dude, I'd tell u if it was. Even if I disagree with others, I respect everyone's right to speak thier mind.
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