New kind of arena

Marcury79Marcury79 Member Posts: 47
edited March 2020 in General Discussion
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious guys read the full message...Okey i will say the truth what i am facing from a long time...i hate arena..toomuch i have tried so many times and didnt got any champs and sometimes i got out of champions or sometimes no one is reviving me...and that sucks a alot...I have somthing in my mind that I wanna discus here...and I was thinking from a long time about it...okey so my example will be easier to understand for many guys...there was an event name green or something where we have got some spacific champs to play and collect points to claim rewards...what if there is an mission every weak just like alliance quist browl type mission which rewards sucks...or we say it's really what if there was an miision to take spacific champion in any Quist story or aw/ aq to claim pts for that what I wanna say...I have some thought on this...that how much we will play to get the rewards...and per match we get 1000pts...
For 4* champs we needs 500k pts that means 500matches with spacified champs
For t4 class catalist we need 1m pts that means 1000matches with spacified champs
For 5* champs we need 1.5m pts that means 1500matches with spacified champs
For t2 Alpha we need 2m pts that means 2000 matches
For 6* champs we need 2.5 or 3m pts that means 2500 matches or 3000matches to get 6* champs

Hope this will help a bit...for many players...and even every summonire who work hard will get their rewards...Thankyou if you like this then support it and we want this event for a weak so our intrest would be maintain in the game....and 3000 is not less matches keep in mind...Thankyou


  • Marcury79Marcury79 Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2020
    If you guys are disagree on this then please tell me where I am wrong so I can improve myself....
  • Lucasjones_98Lucasjones_98 Member Posts: 461
    This is NEVER gonna happen. So I'm just gonna shoot your idea down now, because this will never work. Easy t2alphas, easy 5 stars and easy 6 stars? Not a chance.
  • Marcury79Marcury79 Member Posts: 47
    @AzKicker316 @Lucasjones_98 Yeah but mostly a normal person play 200_300 matches per day and arena of 4* contains 100_150 matches for 4million and 200_250 matches for 5* that took 6million compared to that this one is really tough to contain that much pts....just think about it again....
  • Lucasjones_98Lucasjones_98 Member Posts: 461
    No, because Arena is timed and you cant reuse your champs instantly until they've cooled down unless you use units. It's a 3 day arena so it's actually harder.
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,512 ★★★★★
    Marcury79 said:

    @AzKicker316 @Lucasjones_98 Yeah but mostly a normal person play 200_300 matches per day and arena of 4* contains 100_150 matches for 4million and 200_250 matches for 5* that took 6million compared to that this one is really tough to contain that much pts....just think about it again....

    200-300 matches per day for a normal person? What is normal? No one said you have to do multiple arenas.

    My suggestion to those who are still growing their roster is to use the 4* basic arena to stockpile champs. If you have enough 5*s to do featured 4* or 5*, use that just for shards from whatever milestone you can hit.
  • Marcury79Marcury79 Member Posts: 47
    @Lucasjones_98 with respect and calmly I wanna say that...I really done hard in arena many of us did we didnt get chance to be in top10 to obtain champ what we need...but there are soo many higher rating players who just entered in arena for maxing their sign of their champ...they are right in their place I am not say anything about anyone...but in top10 list they are 8 in the list I check every list and I found the same...they just spends 1_1.5 hours in arena with their maxed champ which can obtain higher pts...then normal player...compared to them we didnt do that much couse we are I just wanna say that for every person arena should be fixed mostly for weak memebers who really neded strong champs not for them who just want to max their champs sign...hope this will help...and I have many thing more to say...but maybe that offend someone...thankyou
  • Marcury79Marcury79 Member Posts: 47
    There is one more option...Just remove this top10 list of obtainig champ and fixed the a person just reach the pts and claim the champ...this is also an option...what do you think guys
  • Marcury79Marcury79 Member Posts: 47
    @AzKicker316 @Lucasjones_98 Okey guys this is not a debate competition...just understand my problems..and realise it...what I wanna say...just cheack out the whole message again...and give the solution...I am not an strong player I am almost lv 40 my rating is 90k I know it's not much but understand we need arena champ and really doing hard for it but didn't got that
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Waste of time
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    My only suggestion for you is to work on your english and spelling.
    Duolingo is free and you can take classes in your native language.
    I am assuming english is not your first language, and if it is, then that is a problem
  • Apollo107Apollo107 Member Posts: 104
    So ridiculous it would be piss easy to target 5*s
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,512 ★★★★★
    Marcury79 said:

    @AzKicker316 @Lucasjones_98 Okey guys this is not a debate competition...just understand my problems..and realise it...what I wanna say...just cheack out the whole message again...and give the solution...I am not an strong player I am almost lv 40 my rating is 90k I know it's not much but understand we need arena champ and really doing hard for it but didn't got that

    You don't have a problem. Working hard in arenas doesn't guarantee a champ. Just get as many points as you can, collect shards, user those for champs, and continue to build. Arenas eventually get easier as you build your roster, but in no way should you be guaranteed a champ just for working hard.
  • Lucasjones_98Lucasjones_98 Member Posts: 461
    If you're eating is only 90k then you're not strong enough to get champs sorry.
  • Marcury79Marcury79 Member Posts: 47

    My only suggestion for you is to work on your english and spelling.
    Duolingo is free and you can take classes in your native language.
    I am assuming english is not your first language, and if it is, then that is a problem

    English is not my language I have my own mother tongue I am using English for for other to understand me...anyway I am learner...
  • Marcury79Marcury79 Member Posts: 47
    This fourm is just a waste of time and too many creepy peoples are here
  • Marcury79Marcury79 Member Posts: 47

    Waste of time

    You are right bro I asked first on kabam feedback section and they tell me about this fourm...and I just suggest my opinion and I don't know why they are arguing with me...I think I should quit fourm
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★
    Not to be harsh, but just because you believe very passionately in your side of a debate does not mean others have any obligation to agree. Also, people disagreeing with your position does not make them jerks. However, calling people creeps for disagreeing with you makes you a jerk.

    If you cannot come to terms with that, yeah, maybe you should quit the forum. You will not have a lot of fun here.
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