Are the new doombots classified as robots like ultron? If so, I noticed that Medusa’s armor shatter doesn’t work on them... just fought the mutant one and he was gaining power while I was attacking
Are the new doombots classified as robots like ultron? If so, I noticed that Medusa’s armor shatter doesn’t work on them... just fought the mutant one and he was gaining power while I was attacking
No, hence why some can bleed. No robot tag on them
Are the new doombots classified as robots like ultron? If so, I noticed that Medusa’s armor shatter doesn’t work on them... just fought the mutant one and he was gaining power while I was attacking
ie the science one you could heal off using willpower
I don’t know what they’re talking about Kabam. You can’t get free health from them 😅.
At least it will be easy to remember which class of DoomBot can help you out now (both are Science)
If so, I noticed that Medusa’s armor shatter doesn’t work on them... just fought the mutant one and he was gaining power while I was attacking
I'm a long way from unlocking willpower too.