Looking for an active beginner alliance

Started playing on my second account again. I have 1 4/40 4* and a couple of 3/30 4*. Looking for an active alliance that does 3 bgs of aq and aw. My main is in a master ally so no need to worry about skill.


  • Journey5Journey5 Member Posts: 17
    Idk if your interested but I created my own ally and had a main account in plat 2, B/c I just created a new ally I have only one member rn but if your interested I’ll be happy to take ya in! We will be currently running 1 bg unfortunately until we get numbers up and map 2 if possible working on numbers like said before.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Sure, it’s hard to find a new ally with people that know what they are doing. Send me your ign and I will request.
  • Hawkt1Hawkt1 Member Posts: 243
    come check out 41sqn we are all reroles just for fun

    im hawkt1, but wont be back in game until tommorow
  • Journey5Journey5 Member Posts: 17
    My IGN is Journ£y
  • Journey5Journey5 Member Posts: 17
    Sorry it took me a while to respond I was doing 5.1 just finished it
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